Common Base Event content handler

Content handlers populate data into Common Base Events when the Common Base Event complete() method is invoked. Content handlers can be associated with Common Base Event templates which provide default information to transfer into each Common Base Event. Content handlers may also provide any other information that is relevant to completing the population of the Common Base Event, such as runtime defaults deemed to be appropriate.

The use of content handlers is recommended to ensure consistency of field usage in the Common Base Event within a component or within a set of components sharing the same runtime. For example, some content handlers allow a template to be specified. If used consistently across a component, this would ensure that all events for that component would have the same template info filled in. Similarly, some content handlers can also supply runtime information to their associated Common Base Events. If consistently used throughout the entire runtime, this would ensure that all events use runtime data in a similar fashion.

The event factory home used in the WAS runtime is associated with a content handler that both reads from a template, and supplies runtime data. It is recommended that components use Event Factories obtained from this event factory home with their own templates, giving consistency between application events and server events.

More details can be found in the javadoc for at