Collection certificate store collection

Use this page to view a list of certificate stores that contains untrusted, intermediary certificate files awaiting validation. Validation might consist of checking to see if the certificate is on a certificate revocation list (CRL), checking that the certificate is not expired, and checking that the certificate is issued by a trusted signer.

The following list provides recommendations for using CRLs:

  • If CRLs are added to the collection certificate store collection, add the CRLs for the root certificate authority and each intermediate certificate, if applicable. When the CRL is in the certificate collection store, the certificate revocation status for every certificate in the chain is checked against the CRL of the issuer.

  • When the CRL file is updated, the new CRL does not take effect until you restart the Web service application.

  • Before a CRL expires, load a new CRL into the certificate collection store to replace the old CRL. An expired CRL in the collection certificate store results in a certificate path (CertPath) build failure.

To view the administrative console panel for the collection certificate store on the cell level, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Security > Web services.

  2. Under Additional properties, click Collection certificate store.

To view the administrative console panel for the collection certificate store on the server level, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Servers > Application servers > servername.

  2. Under Security, click Web services: Default bindings for Web services security.

  3. Under Additional properties, click Collection certificate store.

To view this administrative console page for the collection certificate store on the application level, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Applications > Enterprise applications > appname.

  2. Under Related items, click EJB modules or Web modules > URI_name.

  3. Under Additional properties, one can access collection certificate stores for the following bindings:

  4. Under Additional properties, one can access collection certificate stores for the following bindings:

Complete the following steps:

  1. Click New to specify a new certificate store name and certificate store provider.

  2. Click OK and messages display at the top of the administrative console panel.

  3. Within the messages at the top of the administrative console panel, click Save.

  4. Return to the collection certificate store collection panel and click Update runtime to update the Web services security run time with the default binding information, which is found in the ws_security.xml file. When you click Update runtime, the configuration changes made to the other Web services are also updated in the Web services security run time.

Certificate store name

Name of the certificate store.

Certificate store provider

Specifies the provider of the certificate store.