- Constants
- Tables
- About this book
- Who this book is for
- What we need to know to understand this book
- Terms used in this book
- How to use this book
- Appearance of text in this book
- WebSphere MQ constants
- MQ_* (String Lengths)
- MQ_* (Command format String Lengths)
- MQACH_* (API exit chain area header structure)
- MQACT_* (Accounting Token)
- MQACT_* (Command format Action Options)
- MQACTT_* (Accounting Token Types)
- MQADOPT_* (Adopt New MCA Checks)
- MQADOPT_* (Adopt New MCA Types)
- MQAIR_* (Authentication information record structure)
- MQAIT_* (Authentication Information Type)
- MQAT_* (Put Application Types)
- MQAUTH_* (Command format Authority Values)
- MQAUTHOPT_* (Command format Authority Options)
- MQAXC_* (API exit context structure)
- MQAXP_* (API exit parameter structure)
- MQBA_* (Byte Attribute Selectors)
- MQBACF_* (Command format Byte Parameter Types)
- MQBL_* (Buffer Length for mqAddString and mqSetString)
- MQBND_* (Default Bindings)
- MQBO_* (Begin options structure)
- MQBO_* (Begin Options)
- MQBT_* (Command format Bridge Types)
- MQCA_* (Character Attribute Selectors)
- MQCACF_* (Command format Character Parameter Types)
- MQCACH_* (Command format Character Channel Parameter Types)
- MQCADSD_* (CICS information header ADS Descriptors)
- MQCAMO_* (Command format Character Monitoring Parameter Types)
- MQCBO_* (Create-Bag Options for mqCreateBag)
- MQCC_* (Completion Codes)
- MQCCSI_* (Coded Character Set Identifiers)
- MQCCT_* (CICS information header Conversational Task Options)
- MQCD_* (Channel definition structure)
- MQCDC_* (Channel Data Conversion)
- MQCF_* (Capability Flags)
- MQCFAC_* (CICS information header Facility)
- MQCFBF_* (Command format byte string filter parameter structure)
- MQCFBS_* (Command format byte string parameter structure)
- MQCFC_* (Command format header Control Options)
- MQCFGR_* (Command format group parameter structure)
- MQCFH_* (Command format header structure)
- MQCFIF_* (Command format integer filter parameter structure)
- MQCFIL_* (Command format integer list parameter structure)
- MQCFIL64_* (Command format 64-bit integer list parameter structure)
- MQCFIN_* (Command format integer parameter structure)
- MQCFIN64_* (Command format 64-bit integer parameter structure)
- MQCFO_* (Command format Refresh Repository Options)
- MQCFO_* (Command format Remove Queues Options)
- MQCFOP_* (Command format Filter Operators)
- MQCFR_* (CF Recoverability)
- MQCFSF_* (Command format string filter parameter structure)
- MQCFSL_* (Command format string list parameter structure)
- MQCFST_* (Command format string parameter structure)
- MQCFSTATUS_* (Command format CF Status)
- MQCFT_* (Command format Types of Structure)
- MQCFTYPE_* (Command format CF Types)
- MQCFUNC_* (CICS information header Functions)
- MQCGWI_* (CICS information header Get Wait Interval)
- MQCHAD_* (Channel Auto Definition)
- MQCHIDS_* (Command format Indoubt Status)
- MQCHLD_* (Command format Channel Dispositions)
- MQCHS_* (Command format Channel Status)
- MQCHSH_* (Command format Channel Shared Restart Options)
- MQCHSR_* (Command format Channel Stop Options)
- MQCHSSTATE_* (Command format Channel Substates)
- MQCHT_* (Channel Types)
- MQCHTAB_* (Command format Channel Table Types)
- MQCI_* (Correlation Identifier)
- MQCIH_* (CICS information header structure)
- MQCIH_* (CICS information header Flags)
- MQCLCT_* (Cluster Cache Types)
- MQCLT_* (CICS information header Link Types)
- MQCLWL_* (Cluster Workload)
- MQCMD_* (Command Codes)
- MQCMDI_* (Command format Command Information Values)
- MQCMDL_* (Command Levels)
- MQCNO_* (Connect options structure)
- MQCNO_* (Connect Options)
- MQCO_* (Close Options)
- MQCODL_* (CICS information header Output Data Length)
- MQCOMPRESS_* (Channel Compression)
- MQCONNID_* (Connection Identifier)
- MQCQT_* (Cluster Queue Types)
- MQCRC_* (CICS information header Return Codes)
- MQCSC_* (CICS information header Start Codes)
- MQCSP_* (Connection security parameters structure)
- MQCSP_* (Connection security parameters Authentication Types)
- MQCSRV_* (Command Server Options)
- MQCT_* (Queue Manager Connection Tag)
- MQCTES_* (CICS information header Task End Status)
- MQCUOWC_* (CICS information header Unit-of-Work Controls)
- MQCXP_* (Channel exit parameter structure)
- MQDCC_* (Conversion Options)
- MQDCC_* (Conversion Options Masks and Factors)
- MQDELO_* (Publish/Subscribe Delete Options)
- MQDH_* (Distribution header structure)
- MQDHF_* (Distribution header Flags)
- MQDISCONNECT_* (Command format Disconnect Types)
- MQDL_* (Distribution Lists)
- MQDLH_* (Dead-letter header structure)
- MQDT_* (Destination Types)
- MQDXP_* (Conversion exit parameter structure)
- MQEC_* (Signal Values)
- MQEI_* (Expiry)
- MQENC_* (Encoding)
- MQENC_* (Encoding Masks)
- MQENC_* (Encodings for Binary Integers)
- MQENC_* (Encodings for Packed Decimal Integers)
- MQENC_* (Encodings for Floating Point Numbers)
- MQEPH_* (Embedded command format header structure)
- MQEPH_* (Embedded command format header Flags)
- MQET_* (Command format Escape Types)
- MQEVO_* (Command format Event Origins)
- MQEVR_* (Command format Event Recording)
- MQEXPI_* (Expiration Scan Interval)
- MQFB_* (Feedback Values)
- MQFC_* (Command format Force Options)
- MQFMT_* (Formats)
- MQGA_* (Group Attribute Selectors)
- MQGACF_* (Command format Group Parameter Types)
- MQGI_* (Group Identifier)
- MQGMO_* (Get message options structure)
- MQGMO_* (Get Message Options)
- MQGS_* (Group Status)
- MQHA_* (Handle Selectors)
- MQHB_* (Bag Handles)
- MQHC_* (Connection Handles)
- MQHO_* (Object Handle)
- MQHSTATE_* (Command format Handle States)
- MQIA_* (Integer Attribute Selectors)
- MQIACF_* (Command format Integer Parameter Types)
- MQIACH_* (Command format Integer Channel Types)
- MQIAMO_* (Command format Integer Monitoring Parameter Types)
- MQIAMO64_* (Command format 64-bit Integer Monitoring Parameter Types)
- MQIASY_* (Integer System Selectors)
- MQIAUT_* (IMS information header Authenticator)
- MQIAV_* (Integer Attribute Values)
- MQICM_* (IMS information header Commit Modes)
- MQIDO_* (Command format Indoubt Options)
- MQIGQ_* (Intra-Group Queuing)
- MQIGQPA_* (Intra-Group Queuing Put Authority)
- MQIIH_* (IMS information header structure)
- MQIIH_* (IMS information header Flags)
- MQINBD_* (Command format Inbound Dispositions)
- MQIND_* (Special Index Values)
- MQIPADDR_* (IP Address Versions)
- MQISS_* (IMS information header Security Scopes)
- MQIT_* (Index Types)
- MQITEM_* (Item Type for mqInquireItemInfo)
- MQITII_* (IMS information header Transaction Instance Identifier)
- MQITS_* (IMS information header Transaction States)
- MQKAI_* (KeepAlive Interval)
- MQMCAS_* (Command format Message Channel Agent Status)
- MQMCAT_* (MCA Types)
- MQMD_* (Message descriptor structure)
- MQMDE_* (Message descriptor extension structure)
- MQMDEF_* (Message descriptor extension Flags)
- MQMDS_* (Message Delivery Sequence)
- MQMF_* (Message Flags)
- MQMI_* (Message Identifier)
- MQMO_* (Match Options)
- MQMODE_* (Command format Mode Options)
- MQMON_* (Monitoring Values)
- MQMT_* (Message Types)
- MQMTOK_* (Message Token)
- MQNC_* (Name Count)
- MQNPM_* (Nonpersistent Message Class)
- MQNPMS_* (NonPersistent-Message Speeds)
- MQNT_* (Namelist Types)
- MQNVS_* (Names for Name/Value String)
- MQOA_* (Limits for Selectors for Object Attributes)
- MQOD_* (Object descriptor structure)
- MQOII_* (Object Instance Identifier)
- MQOL_* (Original Length)
- MQOO_* (Open Options)
- MQOPER_* (Activity Operations)
- MQOT_* (Object Types)
- MQOT_* (Extended Object Types)
- MQPA_* (Put Authority)
- MQPER_* (Persistence Values)
- MQPL_* (Platforms)
- MQPMO_* (Put message options structure)
- MQPMO_* (Put Message Options)
- MQPMRF_* (Put Message Record Fields)
- MQPO_* (Command format Purge Options)
- MQPRI_* (Priority)
- MQPS_* (Publish/Subscribe Tags as strings)
- MQPS_* (Publish/Subscribe Tags as blank-enclosed strings)
- MQPS_* (Publish/Subscribe Command Tag Values as strings)
- MQPS_* (Publish/Subscribe Command Tag Values as blank-enclosed strings)
- MQPS_* (Publish/Subscribe Options Tag Values as strings)
- MQPS_* (Publish/Subscribe Options Tag Values as blank-enclosed strings)
- MQPUBO_* (Publish/Subscribe Publication Options)
- MQPXP_* (Publish/subscribe routing exit parameter structure)
- MQQA_* (Inhibit Get Values)
- MQQA_* (Inhibit Put Values)
- MQQA_* (Queue Shareability)
- MQQA_* (Back-Out Hardening)
- MQQDT_* (Queue Definition Types)
- MQQF_* (Queue Flags)
- MQQMDT_* (Command format Queue Manager Definition Types)
- MQQMF_* (Queue Manager Flags)
- MQQMFAC_* (Command format Queue Manager Facility)
- MQQMSTA_* (Command format Queue Manager Status)
- MQQMT_* (Command format Queue Manager Types)
- MQQO_* (Command format Quiesce Options)
- MQQSGD_* (Queue Sharing Group Dispositions)
- MQQSGS_* (Command format QSG Status)
- MQQSIE_* (Command format Queue Service-Interval Events)
- MQQSO_* (Command format Queue Status Open Options for SET, BROWSE, INPUT)
- MQQSOT_* (Command format Queue Status Open Types)
- MQQSUM_* (Command format Queue Status Uncommitted Messages)
- MQQT_* (Queue Types)
- MQQT_* (Extended Queue Types)
- MQRC_* (Reason Codes)
- MQRCCF_* (Command format header Reason Codes)
- MQRCVTIME_* (Receive Timeout Types)
- MQRECORDING_* (Recording Options)
- MQREGO_* (Publish/Subscribe Registration Options)
- MQRFH_* (Rules and formatting header structure)
- MQRFH_* (Rules and formatting header Flags)
- MQRL_* (Returned Length)
- MQRMH_* (Reference message header structure)
- MQRMHF_* (Reference message header Flags)
- MQRO_* (Report Options)
- MQRO_* (Report Options Masks)
- MQROUTE_* (Trace-route Max Activities (MQIACF_MAX_ACTIVITIES))
- MQROUTE_* (Trace-route Detail (MQIACF_ROUTE_DETAIL))
- MQROUTE_* (Trace-route Forwarding (MQIACF_ROUTE_FORWARDING))
- MQROUTE_* (Trace-route Delivery (MQIACF_ROUTE_DELIVERY))
- MQROUTE_* (Trace-route Accumulation (MQIACF_ROUTE_ACCUMULATION))
- MQRP_* (Command format Replace Options)
- MQRQ_* (Command format Reason Qualifiers)
- MQRT_* (Command format Refresh Types)
- MQSCA_* (SSL Client Authentication)
- MQSCO_* (SSL configuration options structure)
- MQSCO_* (SSL configuration options Key Reset Count)
- MQSCO_* (Command format Queue Definition Scope)
- MQSECITEM_* (Command format Security Items)
- MQSECSW_* (Command format Security Switches)
- MQSECSW_* (Command format Security Switch States)
- MQSECTYPE_* (Command format Security Types)
- MQSEG_* (Segmentation)
- MQSEL_* (Special Selector Values)
- MQSID_* (Security Identifier)
- MQSIDT_* (Security Identifier Types)
- MQSP_* (Syncpoint Availability)
- MQSQQM_* (Shared Queue Queue Manager Name)
- MQSS_* (Segment Status)
- MQSSL_* (SSL FIPS Requirements)
- MQSUS_* (Command format Suspend Status)
- MQSVC_* (Service Types)
- MQSVC_* (Service Controls)
- MQSVC_* (Service Status)
- MQSYSP_* (Command format System Parameter Values)
- MQTC_* (Trigger Controls)
- MQTCPKEEP_* (TCP Keepalive)
- MQTCPSTACK_* (TCP Stack Types)
- MQTIME_* (Command format Time units)
- MQTM_* (Trigger message structure)
- MQTMC_* (Trigger message character format structure)
- MQTRAXSTR_* (Channel Initiator Trace Autostart)
- MQTT_* (Trigger Types)
- MQUA_* (Publish/Subscribe User Attribute Selectors)
- MQUIDSUPP_* (Command format User ID Support)
- MQUOWST_* (Command format UOW States)
- MQUOWT_* (Command format UOW Types)
- MQUS_* (Queue Usages)
- MQUSAGE_* (Command format Page Set Usage Values)
- MQUSAGE_* (Command format Data Set Usage Values)
- MQWDR_* (Cluster workload exit destination record structure)
- MQWI_* (Wait Interval)
- MQWIH_* (Workload information header structure)
- MQWIH_* (Workload information header Flags)
- MQWQR_* (Cluster workload exit queue record structure)
- MQWXP_* (Cluster workload exit parameter structure)
- MQWXP_* (Cluster Workload Flags)
- MQXACT_* (API Caller Types)
- MQXC_* (Exit Commands)
- MQXCC_* (Exit Responses)
- MQXDR_* (Exit Response)
- MQXE_* (Environments)
- MQXF_* (API Function Identifiers)
- MQXP_* (API crossing exit parameter structure)
- MQXPDA_* (Problem Determination Area)
- MQXPT_* (Transport Types)
- MQXQH_* (Transmission queue header structure)
- MQXR_* (Exit Reasons)
- MQXR2_* (Exit Response 2)
- MQXT_* (Exit Identifiers)
- MQXUA_* (Exit User Area Value)
- MQXWD_* (Exit wait descriptor structure)
- MQZAC_* (Application context structure)
- MQZAD_* (Authority data structure)
- MQZAET_* (Installable Services Entity Types)
- MQZAO_* (Installable Services Authorizations)
- MQZAS_* (Installable Services Service Interface Version)
- MQZAT_* (Authentication Types)
- MQZCI_* (Installable Services Continuation Indicator)
- MQZED_* (Entity data structure)
- MQZFP_* (Free parameters structure)
- MQZIC_* (Identity context structure)
- MQZID_* (Function ids common to all services)
- MQZID_* (Function ids for Authority service)
- MQZID_* (Function ids for Name service)
- MQZID_* (Function ids for Userid service)
- MQZIO_* (Installable Services Initialization Options)
- MQZNS_* (Name Service Interface Version)
- MQZSE_* (Installable Services Start-Enumeration Indicator)
- MQZSL_* (Installable Services Selector Indicator)
- MQZTO_* (Installable Services Termination Options)
- MQZUS_* (Userid Service Interface Version)
- Appendix A. WebSphere MQ COPY, header, include, and module files
- C header files
- COBOL COPY files
- PL/I include files
- RPG copy files
- Visual Basic module files
- z/OS Assembler COPY files
- Appendix B. Notices
- Trademarks
- Index