Compiling and linking


The following sample commands use the symbol <DB2TOP>. <DB2TOP> represents the installation directory for the DB2 product.

Before issuing the link command on Windows systems, ensure that the LIB environment variable contains paths to the DB2 and WebSphere MQ libraries.

Copy the following files into a temporary directory:

Build the object files for each .c file using the following compiler command for the platform that you are using:

Build the amqsxag0 executable using the following link command for the platform that you are using:

Build the amqsxas0 executable using the following compile and link commands for the platform that you are using:

Additional information

If you are working on AIX or HP-UX and want to access Oracle, use the xlc_r compiler and link to libmqm_r.a.


Parent topic:

Precompiling, compiling, and linking the samples
