- Intercommunication
- About this book
- Who this book is for
- What we need to know to understand this book
- How to use this book
- Appearance of text in this book
- Terms used in this book
- Summary of changes
- Changes for this edition (plug-in version
- Changes for the previous edition (SC34–6587–00)
- Introduction
- Concepts of intercommunication
- What is intercommunication?
- How does distributed queuing work?
- What do we call the components?
- Components needed to send a message
- Components needed to return a message
- Cluster components
- Distributed queuing components
- Message channels
- Sender-receiver channels
- Requester-server channel
- Requester-sender channel
- Server-receiver channel
- Cluster-sender channels
- Cluster-receiver channels
- Message channel agents
- Transmission queues
- Channel initiators and listeners
- Channel-exit programs
- Dead-letter queues
- Remote queue definitions
- How to get to the remote queue manager
- Multi-hopping
- Sharing channels
- Using different channels
- Using clustering
- Security
- Security exits
- Secure sockets layer
- Making your applications communicate
- How to send a message to another queue manager
- Defining the channels
- Defining the queues
- Sending the messages
- Starting the channel
- Triggering channels
- Safety of messages
- Fast, nonpersistent messages
- Undelivered messages
- More about intercommunication
- Addressing information
- What are aliases?
- Queue name resolution
- Queue manager alias definitions
- Outbound messages - remapping the queue manager name
- Outbound messages - altering or specifying the transmission queue
- Inbound messages - determining the destination
- Reply-to queue alias definitions
- What is a reply-to queue alias definition?
- Reply-to queue name
- Networks
- Channel and transmission queue names
- Network planner
- How intercommunication works
- WebSphere MQ distributed-messaging techniques
- Message flow control
- Queue names in transmission header
- How to create queue manager and reply-to aliases
- Putting messages on remote queues
- More about name resolution
- Choosing the transmission queue
- Receiving messages
- Receiving alias queue manager names
- Passing messages through your system
- Method 1: Using the incoming location name
- Method 2: Using an alias for the queue manager
- Method 3: Selecting a transmission queue
- Using these methods
- Separating message flows
- Concentrating messages to diverse locations
- Diverting message flows to another destination
- Sending messages to a distribution list
- Reply-to queue
- Reply-to queue alias example
- Definitions used in this example at QM1
- Definitions used in this example at QM2
- Put definition at QM1
- Put definition at QM2
- How the example works
- How the queue manager makes use of the reply-to queue alias
- Reply-to queue alias walk-through
- Networking considerations
- Return routing
- Managing queue name translations
- Channel message sequence numbering
- Sequential retrieval of messages
- Sequence of retrieval of fast, nonpersistent messages
- Loopback testing
- Route tracing and activity recording
- DQM implementation
- Functions of DQM
- Message sending and receiving
- Channel parameters
- Channel status and sequence numbers
- Channel control function
- Preparing channels
- Auto-definition of receiver and server-connection channels
- Defining other objects
- Multiple message channels per transmission queue
- Starting a channel
- Channel states
- Current and active
- Specifying the maximum number of current channels
- Specifying the maximum number of active channels
- Channel errors
- Checking that the other end of the channel is still available
- Heartbeats
- Keep Alive
- Receive Time Out
- Adopting an MCA
- Stopping and quiescing channels
- Restarting stopped channels
- In-doubt channels
- Problem determination
- Command validation
- Processing problems
- Messages and codes
- What happens when a message cannot be delivered?
- Initialization and configuration files
- z/OS
- Windows systems
- i5/OS and UNIX systems
- WebSphere MQ configuration file
- Queue manager configuration file
- Data conversion
- Writing your own message channel agents
- Channel attributes
- Channel attributes and channel types
- Channel attributes in alphabetical order
- Alter date (ALTDATE)
- Alter time (ALTTIME)
- Batch Heartbeat Interval (BATCHHB)
- Batch interval (BATCHINT)
- Batch size (BATCHSZ)
- Channel name (CHANNEL)
- Channel statistics (STATCHL)
- Channel type (CHLTYPE)
- Cluster (CLUSTER)
- Cluster namelist (CLUSNL)
- Cluster workload priority (CLWLPRTY)
- Cluster workload rank (CLWLRANK)
- Cluster workload weight (CLWLWGHT)
- Connection name (CONNAME)
- Convert message (CONVERT)
- Data compression (COMPMSG)
- Description (DESCR)
- Disconnect interval (DISCINT)
- Disposition (QSGDISP)
- Header compression (COMPHDR)
- Heartbeat interval (HBINT)
- KeepAlive Interval (KAINT)
- Local Address (LOCLADDR)
- Long retry count (LONGRTY)
- Long retry interval (LONGTMR)
- LU 6.2 mode name (MODENAME)
- LU 6.2 transaction program name (TPNAME)
- Maximum message length (MAXMSGL)
- Message channel agent name (MCANAME)
- Message channel agent type (MCATYPE)
- Message channel agent user identifier (MCAUSER)
- Message exit name (MSGEXIT)
- Message exit user data (MSGDATA)
- Message-retry exit name (MREXIT)
- Message-retry exit user data (MRDATA)
- Message retry count (MRRTY)
- Message retry interval (MRTMR)
- Monitoring (MONCHL)
- Network-connection priority (NETPRTY)
- Nonpersistent message speed (NPMSPEED)
- Password (PASSWORD)
- PUT authority (PUTAUT)
- Queue manager name (QMNAME)
- Receive exit name (RCVEXIT)
- Receive exit user data (RCVDATA)
- Security exit name (SCYEXIT)
- Security exit user data (SCYDATA)
- Send exit name (SENDEXIT)
- Send exit user data (SENDDATA)
- Sequence number wrap (SEQWRAP)
- Short retry count (SHORTRTY)
- Short retry interval (SHORTTMR)
- SSL Cipher Specification (SSLCIPH)
- SSL Client Authentication (SSLCAUTH)
- Transmission queue name (XMITQ)
- Transport type (TRPTYPE)
- User ID (USERID)
- Example configuration chapters in this book
- Network infrastructure
- Communications software
- How to use the communication examples
- IT responsibilities
- DQM in WebSphere MQ for distributed platforms
- Monitoring and controlling channels on distributed platforms
- The DQM channel control function
- Functions available
- Getting started with objects
- Creating associated objects
- Creating default objects
- How are default objects created?
- Changing the default objects
- Creating a channel
- Create channel example
- Displaying a channel
- Display channel examples
- Displaying channel status
- Display channel status examples
- Starting a channel
- Renaming a channel
- Channel attributes and channel types
- Channel functions
- Create
- Change
- Delete
- Display
- Display Status
- Ping
- Ping with LU 6.2
- Start
- Stop
- Stop quiesce example
- Stop force example
- Stop terminate example
- Stop (quiesce) stopped example
- Stop (quiesce) inactive example
- Reset
- Resolve
- Preparing WebSphere MQ for distributed platforms
- Transmission queues and triggering
- Creating a transmission queue
- Triggering channels
- Example definitions for triggering
- Examples for WebSphere MQ for UNIX systems and Windows systems
- Starting the channel initiator
- Stopping the channel initiator
- Channel programs
- Other things to consider
- Undelivered-message queue
- Queues in use
- Security of WebSphere MQ objects
- On UNIX systems
- User IDs on UNIX systems
- Message descriptor extension (MQMDE)
- On Windows systems
- User IDs on Windows systems
- User IDs across systems
- System extensions and user-exit programs
- Running channels and listeners as trusted applications
- What next?
- Set up communication for Windows
- Deciding on a connection
- Defining a TCP connection
- Sending end
- Receiving on TCP
- Using the WebSphere MQ listener
- Using the TCP/IP SO_KEEPALIVE option
- Defining an LU 6.2 connection
- Sending end
- Receiving on LU 6.2
- Using the RUNMQLSR command
- Using Microsoft SNA Server on Windows
- Defining a NetBIOS connection
- Defining the WebSphere MQ local NetBIOS name
- Establishing the queue manager NetBIOS session, command, and name limits
- Establishing the LAN adapter number
- Initiating the connection
- Target listener
- Defining an SPX connection
- Sending end
- Receiving on SPX
- Using the SPX listener backlog option
- Using the WebSphere MQ listener
- IPX/SPX parameters
- Windows systems
- Example configuration - IBM WebSphere MQ for Windows
- Configuration parameters for an LU 6.2 connection
- Configuration worksheet
- Explanation of terms
- Establishing an LU 6.2 connection
- Configuring the local node
- Adding a connection
- Adding a partner
- Adding a CPI-C entry
- Configuring an invokable TP
- What next?
- Establishing a TCP connection
- What next?
- Establishing a NetBIOS connection
- Establishing an SPX connection
- IPX/SPX parameters
- SPX addressing
- Receiving on SPX
- Using the WebSphere MQ listener
- WebSphere MQ for Windows configuration
- Default configuration
- Basic configuration
- Channel configuration
- WebSphere MQ for Windows sender-channel definitions using SNA
- WebSphere MQ for Windows receiver-channel definitions using SNA
- WebSphere MQ for Windows sender-channel definitions using TCP/IP
- WebSphere MQ for Windows receiver-channel definitions using TCP
- Automatic startup
- Running channels as processes or threads
- Multiple thread support — pipelining
- Channel exit considerations
- Set up communication on UNIX systems
- Deciding on a connection
- Defining a TCP connection
- Sending end
- Receiving on TCP
- Using the TCP/IP listener
- Using the TCP listener backlog option
- Using the WebSphere MQ listener
- Using the TCP/IP SO_KEEPALIVE option
- Defining an LU 6.2 connection
- Sending end
- Receiving on LU 6.2
- Example configuration - IBM WebSphere MQ for AIX
- Configuration parameters for an LU 6.2 connection
- Configuration worksheet
- Explanation of terms
- Establishing a session using Communications Server for AIX
- Configuring your node
- Configuring connectivity to the network
- Defining a local LU
- Defining a transaction program
- Establishing a TCP connection
- What next?
- WebSphere MQ for AIX configuration
- Basic configuration
- Channel configuration
- WebSphere MQ for AIX sender-channel definitions using SNA
- WebSphere MQ for AIX receiver-channel definitions using SNA
- WebSphere MQ for AIX TPN setup
- WebSphere MQ for AIX sender-channel definitions using TCP
- WebSphere MQ for AIX receiver-channel definitions using TCP
- Example configuration - IBM WebSphere MQ for HP-UX
- Configuration parameters for an LU 6.2 connection
- Configuration worksheet
- Explanation of terms
- Establishing a session using HP SNAplus2
- SNAplus2 configuration
- Defining a local node
- Adding a Token Ring Port
- Defining a local LU
- APPC configuration
- Defining a remote node
- Defining a partner LU
- Defining a link station
- Defining a mode
- Adding CPI-C information
- Adding a TP definition using HP SNAplus2 Release 5
- Adding a TP definition using HP SNAplus2 Release 6
- HP-UX operation
- What next?
- Establishing a TCP connection
- What next?
- WebSphere MQ for HP-UX configuration
- Basic configuration
- Channel configuration
- WebSphere MQ for HP-UX sender-channel definitions using SNA
- WebSphere MQ for HP-UX receiver-channel definitions using SNA
- WebSphere MQ for HP-UX invokable TP setup
- WebSphere MQ for HP-UX sender-channel definitions using TCP
- WebSphere MQ for HP-UX receiver-channel definitions using TCP/IP
- Example configuration - IBM WebSphere MQ for Solaris
- Configuration parameters for an LU 6.2 connection using SNAP-IX
- Configuration worksheet
- Explanation of terms
- Establishing a session using SNAP-IX
- SNAP-IX configuration
- Defining a local node
- Adding a Token Ring Port
- Defining a local LU
- APPC configuration
- Defining a remote node
- Defining a partner LU
- Defining a link station
- Defining a mode
- Adding CPI-C information
- Adding a TP definition using SNAP-IX Release 6
- SNAP-IX operation
- What next?
- Establishing a TCP connection
- What next?
- WebSphere MQ for Solaris configuration
- Basic configuration
- Channel configuration
- WebSphere MQ for Solaris sender-channel definitions using SNAP-IX SNA
- WebSphere MQ for Solaris receiver-channel definitions using SNA
- WebSphere MQ for Solaris sender-channel definitions using TCP
- WebSphere MQ for Solaris receiver-channel definitions using TCP/IP
- Example configuration - IBM WebSphere MQ for Linux
- Configuration parameters for an LU 6.2 connection
- Configuration worksheet
- Explanation of terms
- Establishing a session using Communications Server for Linux
- Communications Server for Linux configuration
- Defining a local node
- Adding a Token-Ring port
- Defining a local LU
- APPC configuration
- Defining a remote node
- Defining a partner LU
- Defining a link station
- Defining a mode
- Adding CPI-C information
- Adding a TP definition
- Communications Server for Linux operation
- What next?
- Establishing a TCP connection
- Using the inet daemon (INETD)
- Using the extended inet daemon (XINETD)
- What next?
- WebSphere MQ for Linux configuration
- Basic configuration
- Channel configuration
- WebSphere MQ for Linux (x86 platform) sender-channel definitions using SNA
- WebSphere MQ for Linux (x86 platform) receiver-channel definitions using SNA
- WebSphere MQ for Linux sender-channel definitions using TCP
- WebSphere MQ for Linux receiver-channel definitions using TCP/IP
- Message channel planning example for distributed platforms
- What the example shows
- Queue manager QM1 example
- Queue manager QM2 example
- Running the example
- Expanding this example
- DQM in WebSphere MQ for z/OS
- Monitoring and controlling channels on z/OS
- The DQM channel control function
- Using the panels and the commands
- Using the initial panel
- Managing your channels
- Defining a channel
- Altering a channel definition
- Displaying a channel definition
- Delete a channel definition
- Displaying information about the channel initiator
- Starting a channel initiator
- Stopping a channel initiator
- Starting a channel listener
- Stopping a channel listener
- Starting a channel
- Starting a shared channel
- Testing a channel
- Resetting message sequence numbers for a channel
- Resolving in-doubt messages on a channel
- Stopping a channel
- Usage notes
- Displaying channel status
- Displaying cluster channels
- Preparing WebSphere MQ for z/OS
- Defining DQM requirements to WebSphere MQ
- Defining WebSphere MQ objects
- Transmission queues and triggering channels
- Synchronization queue
- Channel command queues
- Starting the channel initiator
- Stopping the channel initiator
- Other things to consider
- Operator messages
- Channel operation commands
- Undelivered-message queue
- Queues in use
- Security changes
- Communications stopped
- LU6.2
- z/OS Automatic Restart Management (ARM)
- Set up communication for z/OS
- Deciding on a connection
- Defining a TCP connection
- Sending end
- Receiving on TCP
- Using the TCP listener backlog option
- Defining an LU6.2 connection
- APPC/MVS setup
- Connecting to APPC/MVS (LU 6.2)
- Receiving on LU 6.2
- Example configuration - IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS
- Configuration parameters for an LU 6.2 connection
- Configuration worksheet
- Explanation of terms
- Establishing an LU 6.2 connection
- Defining yourself to the network
- Defining a connection to a partner
- Establishing a TCP connection
- What next?
- WebSphere MQ for z/OS configuration
- Channel configuration
- WebSphere MQ for z/OS sender-channel definitions using LU 6.2
- WebSphere MQ for z/OS receiver-channel definitions using LU 6.2
- WebSphere MQ for z/OS sender-channel definitions using TCP
- WebSphere MQ for z/OS receiver-channel definitions using TCP
- Message channel planning example for z/OS
- What the example shows
- Queue manager QM1 example
- Remote queue definition
- Transmission queue definition
- Sender channel definition
- Receiver channel definition
- Reply-to queue definition
- Queue manager QM2 example
- Local queue definition
- Transmission queue definition
- Sender channel definition
- Receiver channel definition
- Running the example
- Expanding this example
- Preparing WebSphere MQ for z/OS for DQM with queue-sharing groups
- Concepts
- Class of service
- Generic interface
- Components
- Listeners
- Transmission queues and triggering
- Triggering
- Message channel agents
- Inbound
- Outbound
- Synchronization queue
- Benefits
- Load-balanced channel start
- Shared channel recovery
- Client channels
- Clusters and queue-sharing groups
- Channels and serialization
- Intra-group queuing
- Set up communication for WebSphere MQ for z/OS using queue-sharing groups
- Deciding on a connection
- Defining a TCP connection
- Sending end
- Receiving on TCP using a queue-sharing group
- Defining an LU6.2 connection
- Connecting to APPC/MVS (LU 6.2)
- Receiving on LU 6.2 using a generic interface
- Example configuration - IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS using queue-sharing groups
- Configuration parameters for an LU 6.2 connection
- Configuration worksheet
- Explanation of terms
- Establishing an LU 6.2 connection into a queue-sharing group
- Defining yourself to the network using generic resources
- Defining a connection to a partner
- What next?
- Establishing a TCP connection into a queue-sharing group
- Using WLM/DNS
- Using Sysplex Distributor
- What next?
- WebSphere MQ for z/OS shared channel configuration
- Shared channel configuration
- WebSphere MQ for z/OS shared sender-channel definitions using LU 6.2
- WebSphere MQ for z/OS shared receiver-channel definitions using LU 6.2
- WebSphere MQ for z/OS shared sender-channel definitions using TCP
- WebSphere MQ for z/OS shared receiver-channel definitions using TCP
- Message channel planning example for z/OS using queue-sharing groups
- What this example shows
- Queue-sharing group definitions
- Shared objects
- Group objects
- Sender channel definition
- Receiver channel definition
- Queue manager QM3 example
- Sender channel definition
- Remaining definitions
- Running the example
- Intra-group queuing
- Concepts
- Intra-group queuing and the intra-group queuing agent
- Terminology
- Intra-group queuing
- Shared transmission queue for use by intra-group queuing
- Intra-group queuing agent
- Benefits
- Reduced system definitions
- Reduced system administration
- Improved performance
- Supports migration
- Transparent delivery of messages when multi-hopping between queue managers in a queue-sharing group
- Limitations
- Messages eligible for transfer using intra-group queuing
- Number of intra-group queuing agents per queue manager
- Starting and stopping the intra-group queuing agent
- Getting started
- Enabling intra-group queuing
- Disabling intra-group queuing
- Using intra-group queuing
- Configurations
- Distributed queuing with intra-group queuing (multiple delivery paths)
- Open/Put processing
- Flow for large messages
- Flow for small messages
- Points to note about such a configuration
- Clustering with intra-group queuing (multiple delivery paths)
- Points to note about such a configuration
- Clustering, intra-group queuing and distributed queuing
- Messages
- Message structure
- Message persistence
- Delivery of messages
- Batching of messages
- Message size
- Default message persistence and default message priority
- Undelivered/unprocessed messages
- Report messages
- Confirmation of arrival (COA)/confirmation of delivery (COD) report messages
- Expiry report messages
- Exception report messages
- Security
- Intra-group queuing authority (IGQAUT)
- Intra-group queuing user indentifier (IGQUSER)
- Specific properties
- Queue name resolution
- Invalidation of object handles (MQRC_OBJECT_CHANGED)
- Self recovery of the intra-group queuing agent
- Retry capability of the intra-group queuing agent
- The intra-group queuing agent and Serialization
- Example configuration — WebSphere MQ for z/OS using intra-group queuing
- Configuration 1
- Configuration 2
- Configuration 3
- Configuration 1 definitions
- On QMG1
- On QMG2
- On QMG3
- Configuration 2 definitions
- On QMG1
- On QMG2
- On QMG3
- Configuration 3 definitions
- On QMG1
- On QMG2
- On QMG3
- Running the example
- Expanding the example
- DQM in WebSphere MQ for iSeries
- Monitoring and controlling channels on iSeries
- The DQM channel control function
- Operator commands
- Getting started
- Creating objects
- Creating a channel
- Starting a channel
- Selecting a channel
- Browsing a channel
- Renaming a channel
- Work with channel status
- Work-with-channel choices
- Panel choices
- F6=Create
- 2=Change
- 3=Copy
- 4=Delete
- 5=Display
- 8=Work with Status
- 13=Ping
- Ping with LU 6.2
- 14=Start
- 15=End
- Stop immediate
- Stop controlled
- 16=Reset
- 17=Resolve
- Preparing WebSphere MQ for iSeries
- Creating a transmission queue
- Triggering channels
- Channel programs
- Channel states on i5/OS
- Other things to consider
- Undelivered-message queue
- Queues in use
- Maximum number of channels
- Security of WebSphere MQ for iSeries objects
- System extensions and user-exit programs
- Set up communication for WebSphere MQ for iSeries
- Deciding on a connection
- Defining a TCP connection
- Receiving on TCP
- Using the TCP SO_KEEPALIVE option
- Using the TCP listener backlog option
- Defining an LU 6.2 connection
- Initiating end (Sending)
- Initiated end (Receiver)
- Note on Work Management
- Example configuration - IBM WebSphere MQ for iSeries
- Configuration parameters for an LU 6.2 connection
- Configuration worksheet
- Explanation of terms
- How to find network attributes
- How to find the value of Resource name
- Establishing an LU 6.2 connection
- Local node configuration
- Creating a line description
- Adding a routing entry
- Connection to partner node
- Creating a controller description
- Creating a device description
- Creating CPI-C side information
- Adding a communications entry for APPC
- Adding a configuration list entry
- What next?
- Establishing a TCP connection
- Adding a TCP/IP interface
- Adding a TCP/IP loopback interface
- Adding a default route
- What next?
- WebSphere MQ for iSeries configuration
- Basic configuration
- Channel configuration
- WebSphere MQ for iSeries sender-channel definitions using SNA
- WebSphere MQ for iSeries receiver-channel definitions using SNA
- WebSphere MQ for iSeries sender-channel definitions using TCP
- WebSphere MQ for iSeries receiver-channel definitions using TCP
- Defining a queue
- Defining a channel
- Message channel planning example for WebSphere MQ for iSeries
- What the example shows
- Queue manager QM1 example
- Queue manager QM2 example
- Running the example
- Expanding this example
- Further intercommunication considerations
- Channel-exit programs
- What are channel-exit programs?
- Processing overview
- Channel security exit programs
- Writing a security exit
- Differences in behavior between security exits defined on CLNTCONN/SVRCONN channel pairs and other channel pairs
- Channel send and receive exit programs
- Channel send exit programs — reserving space
- How you reserve space and use it
- What happens at the receiving end of the channel
- Multiple send exits
- Channel message exit programs
- Message conversion outside the message exit
- Which headers are processed
- How the headers are processed
- What is the MQCXP HeaderLength?
- Channel message retry exit program
- Channel auto-definition exit program
- Writing and compiling channel-exit programs
- WebSphere MQ for z/OS
- WebSphere MQ for iSeries
- WebSphere MQ for Windows server, WebSphere MQ client for Windows
- WebSphere MQ for AIX
- WebSphere MQ for HP-UX
- WebSphere MQ for Solaris
- WebSphere MQ for Linux
- SSPI security exit
- Channel-exit calls and data structures
- Data definition files
- MQ_CHANNEL_EXIT – Channel exit
- Syntax
- Parameters
- ChannelExitParms (MQCXP) – input/output
- ChannelDefinition (MQCD) – input/output
- DataLength (MQLONG) – input/output
- AgentBufferLength (MQLONG) – input
- AgentBuffer (MQBYTE×AgentBufferLength) – input/output
- ExitBufferLength (MQLONG) – input/output
- ExitBufferAddr (MQPTR) – input/output
- Usage notes
- C invocation
- COBOL invocation
- RPG invocation (ILE)
- RPG invocation (OPM)
- System/390 assembler invocation
- MQ_CHANNEL_AUTO_DEF_EXIT – Channel auto-definition exit
- Syntax
- Parameters
- ChannelExitParms (MQCXP) – input/output
- ChannelDefinition (MQCD) – input/output
- Usage notes
- C invocation
- COBOL invocation
- RPG invocation (ILE)
- RPG invocation (OPM)
- System/390 assembler invocation
- MQXWAIT – Wait in exit
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Hconn (MQHCONN) – input
- WaitDesc (MQXWD) – input/output
- CompCode (MQLONG) – output
- Reason (MQLONG) – output
- C invocation
- System/390 assembler invocation
- MQCD – Channel definition
- Exit name fields
- Fields
- ChannelName (MQCHAR20)
- ChannelType (MQLONG)
- TransportType (MQLONG)
- Desc (MQCHAR64)
- QMgrName (MQCHAR48)
- XmitQName (MQCHAR48)
- ShortConnectionName (MQCHAR20)
- MCAName (MQCHAR20)
- ModeName (MQCHAR8)
- TpName (MQCHAR64)
- BatchSize (MQLONG)
- DiscInterval (MQLONG)
- ShortRetryCount (MQLONG)
- ShortRetryInterval (MQLONG)
- LongRetryCount (MQLONG)
- LongRetryInterval (MQLONG)
- SecurityExit (MQCHARn)
- MsgExit (MQCHARn)
- SendExit (MQCHARn)
- ReceiveExit (MQCHARn)
- SeqNumberWrap (MQLONG)
- MaxMsgLength (MQLONG)
- PutAuthority (MQLONG)
- DataConversion (MQLONG)
- SecurityUserData (MQCHAR32)
- MsgUserData (MQCHAR32)
- SendUserData (MQCHAR32)
- ReceiveUserData (MQCHAR32)
- UserIdentifier (MQCHAR12)
- Password (MQCHAR12)
- MCAUserIdentifier (MQCHAR12)
- ConnectionName (MQCHAR264)
- RemoteUserIdentifier (MQCHAR12)
- RemotePassword (MQCHAR12)
- MsgRetryExit (MQCHARn)
- MsgRetryUserData (MQCHAR32)
- MsgRetryCount (MQLONG)
- MsgRetryInterval (MQLONG)
- HeartbeatInterval (MQLONG)
- BatchInterval (MQLONG)
- NonPersistentMsgSpeed (MQLONG)
- StrucLength (MQLONG)
- ExitNameLength (MQLONG)
- ExitDataLength (MQLONG)
- MsgExitsDefined (MQLONG)
- SendExitsDefined (MQLONG)
- ReceiveExitsDefined (MQLONG)
- MsgExitPtr (MQPTR)
- MsgUserDataPtr (MQPTR)
- SendExitPtr (MQPTR)
- SendUserDataPtr (MQPTR)
- ReceiveExitPtr (MQPTR)
- ReceiveUserDataPtr (MQPTR)
- ClusterPtr (MQPTR)
- ClustersDefined (MQLONG)
- NetworkPriority (MQLONG)
- LongMCAUserIdLength (MQLONG)
- LongRemoteUserIdLength (MQLONG)
- LongMCAUserIdPtr (MQPTR)
- LongRemoteUserIdPtr (MQPTR)
- MCASecurityId (MQBYTE40)
- RemoteSecurityId (MQBYTE40)
- SSLCipherSpec (MQCHAR32)
- SSLPeerNamePtr (MQPTR)
- SSLPeerNameLength (MQLONG)
- SSLClientAuth (MQLONG)
- KeepAliveInterval (MQLONG)
- LocalAddress (MQCHAR48)
- BatchHeartbeat (MQLONG)
- HdrCompList [2] (MQLONG)
- MsgCompList [16] (MQLONG)
- CLWLChannelRank (MQLONG)
- CLWLChannelPriority (MQLONG)
- CLWLChannelWeight (MQLONG)
- ChannelMonitoring (MQLONG)
- ChannelStatistics (MQLONG)
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- RPG declaration (ILE)
- RPG declaration (OPM)
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQCXP – Channel exit parameter
- Fields
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- ExitId (MQLONG)
- ExitReason (MQLONG)
- ExitResponse (MQLONG)
- ExitResponse2 (MQLONG)
- Feedback (MQLONG)
- MaxSegmentLength (MQLONG)
- ExitUserArea (MQBYTE16)
- ExitData (MQCHAR32)
- MsgRetryCount (MQLONG)
- MsgRetryInterval (MQLONG)
- MsgRetryReason (MQLONG)
- HeaderLength (MQLONG)
- PartnerName (MQCHAR48)
- CapabilityFlags (MQLONG)
- ExitNumber (MQLONG)
- ExitSpace (MQLONG)
- SSLCertUserId (MQCHAR12)
- SSLRemCertIssNameLength (MQLONG)
- SSLRemCertIssNamePtr (PMQVOID)
- SecurityParms (PMQCSP)
- CurHdrCompression (MQLONG)
- CurMsgCompression (MQLONG)
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- RPG declaration (ILE)
- RPG declaration (OPM)
- System/390 assembler declaration
- MQXWD – Exit wait descriptor
- Fields
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- Reserved1 (MQLONG)
- Reserved2 (MQLONG)
- Reserved3 (MQLONG)
- C declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Problem determination in DQM
- Error message from channel control
- Ping
- Dead-letter queue considerations
- Validation checks
- In-doubt relationship
- Channel startup negotiation errors
- When a channel refuses to run
- Triggered channels
- Conversion failure
- Network problems
- Adopting an MCA
- Registration time for DDNS
- Dial-up problems
- Retrying the link
- Retry considerations
- Shared channel recovery on z/OS
- Data structures
- User exit problems
- Disaster recovery
- Channel switching
- Connection switching
- Client problems
- Terminating clients
- Error logs
- Error logs for Windows
- Error logs on UNIX systems
- Error logs on z/OS
- Message monitoring
- Queue name resolution
- What is queue name resolution?
- How queue name resolution works
- Configuration file stanzas for distributed queuing
- Programming interface information
- Trademarks