Determining z/OS workload management importance and velocity goals
For full information about workload management and defining goals through the service definition, see z/OS MVS Planning: Workload Management.
This section suggests how to set the z/OS workload management importance and velocity goals relative to other important work in your system.
Use the following service classes:
- The default SYSSTC service class
- VTAM and TCP/IP address spaces
- IRLM address space (IRLMPROC)
Note:The VTAM, TCP/IP, and IRLM address spaces must have a higher dispatching priority than all of the DBMS address spaces, their attached address spaces, and their subordinate address spaces. Do not allow workload management to reduce the priority of VTAM, TCP/IP, or IRLM to (or below) that of the other DBMS address spaces- A high velocity goal and importance of 1 for a service class whose name you define, such as PRODREGN, for the following:
- MQ queue manager and channel initiator address spaces
- DB2 (all address spaces, except for the DB2-established stored procedures address space)
- CICS (all region types)
- IMS (all region types except BMPs)
A high velocity goal is good for ensuring that startups and restarts are performed as quickly as possible for all these address spaces.
The velocity goals for CICS and IMS regions are only important during startup or restart. After transactions begin running, workload management ignores the CICS or IMS velocity goals and assigns priorities based on the response time goals of the transactions that are running in the regions. These transaction goals should reflect the relative priority of the business applications they implement. They may typically have an importance value of 2. Any batch applications using MQ should similarly have velocity goals and importance reflecting the relative priority of the business applications they implement. Typically the importance and velocity goals will be less than those for PRODREGN.