Page set zero
For page set zero, the storage required is:
(maximum number of local queue definitions x 1010) (excluding shared queues) + (maximum number of model queue definitions x 746) + (maximum number of alias queue definitions x 338) + (maximum number of remote queue definitions x 434) + (maximum number of permanent dynamic queue definitions x 1010) + (maximum number of process definitions x 674) + (maximum number of namelist definitions x 12320) + (maximum number of message channel definitions x 2026) + (maximum number of client-connection channel definitions x 5170) + (maximum number of server-connection channel definitions x 2026) + (maximum number of storage class definitions x 266) + (maximum number of authentication information definitions x 1010)Divide this value by 4096 to determine the number of records to specify in the cluster for the page set data set.
You do not need to allow for objects that are stored in the shared repository, but you do have to allow for objects that are stored or copied to page set zero (objects with a disposition of GROUP or QMGR).
The total number of objects that we can create is limited by the capacity of page set zero. The number of local queues that we can define is limited to 524 287.