DB2 storage

You need to set up a set of DB2 tables that are used to hold WebSphere MQ data. These are automatically defined for you by WebSphere MQ when you set up your DB2 environment (as described in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide).

For most installations, the amount of DB2 storage required is about 20 or 30 cylinders on a 3390 device. However, if you want to calculate your storage requirement, the following table gives some information to help you determine how much storage DB2 requires for the WebSphere MQ data. The table describes the length of each DB2 row, and when each row is added to or deleted from the relevant DB2 table. Use this information together with the information about calculating the space requirements for the DB2 tables and their indexes in the DB2 for OS/390 Installation Guide.

Table 21. Planning your DB2 storage requirements
DB2 table name Length of row A row is added when: A row is deleted when:
CSQ.ADMIN_B_QSG 252 bytes A queue-sharing group is added to the table with the ADD QSG function of the CSQ5PQSG utility. A queue-sharing group is removed from the table with the REMOVE QSG function of the CSQ5PQSG utility. (All rows relating to this queue-sharing group are deleted automatically from all the other DB2 tables when the queue-sharing group record is deleted.)
CSQ.ADMIN_B_QMGR Up to 3828 bytes A queue manager is added to the table with the ADD QMGR function of the CSQ5PQSG utility. A queue manager is removed from the table with the REMOVE QMGR function of the CSQ5PQSG utility.
CSQ.ADMIN_B_STRUCTURE 329 bytes The first local queue definition, specifying the QSGDISP(SHARED) attribute, that names a previously unknown structure within the queue-sharing group is defined. The last local queue definition, specifying the QSGDISP(SHARED) attribute, that names a structure within the queue-sharing group is deleted.
CSQ.ADMIN_B_SCST 342 bytes A shared channel is started. A shared channel becomes inactive.
CSQ.ADMIN_B_SSKT 254 bytes A shared channel that has the NPMSPEED(NORMAL) attribute is started. A shared channel that has the NPMSPEED(NORMAL) attribute becomes inactive.
CSQ.ADMIN_B_STRBACKUP 507 bytes A new row is added to the CSQ.ADMIN_B_STRUCTURE table. Each entry is a dummy entry until the BACKUP CFSTRUCT command is run, which overwrites the dummy entries. A row is deleted from the CSQ.ADMIN_B_STRUCTURE table.
CSQ.OBJ_B_AUTHINFO 3400 bytes An authentication information object with QSGDISP(GROUP) is defined. An authentication information object with QSGDISP(GROUP) is deleted.
CSQ.OBJ_B_QUEUE Up to 3707 bytes

  • A queue with the QSGDISP(GROUP) attribute is defined.

  • A queue with the QSGDISP(SHARED) attribute is defined.

  • A model queue with the DEFTYPE(SHAREDYN) attribute is opened.

  • A queue with the QSGDISP(GROUP) attribute is deleted.

  • A queue with the QSGDISP(SHARED) attribute is deleted.

  • A dynamic queue with the DEFTYPE(SHAREDYN) attribute is closed with the DELETE option.

CSQ.OBJ_B_NAMELIST Up to 15127 bytes A namelist with the QSGDISP(GROUP) attribute is defined. A namelist with the QSGDISP(GROUP) attribute is deleted.
CSQ.OBJ_B_CHANNEL Up to 14127 bytes A channel with the QSGDISP(GROUP) attribute is defined. A channel with the QSGDISP(GROUP) attribute is deleted.
CSQ.OBJ_B_STGCLASS Up to 2865 bytes A storage class with the QSGDISP(GROUP) attribute is defined. A storage class with the QSGDISP(GROUP) attribute class is deleted.
CSQ.OBJ_B_PROCESS Up to 3347 bytes A process with the QSGDISP(GROUP) attribute is defined. A process with the QSGDISP(GROUP) attribute is deleted.
CSQ.EXTEND_B_QMGR Less than 430 bytes A queue manager is added to the table with the ADD QMGR function of the CSQ5PQSG utility. A queue manager is removed from the table with the REMOVE QMGR function of the CSQ5PQSG utility.
CSQ.ADMIN_B_MESSAGE 87 bytes For large message PUT (1 per BLOB). For large message GET (1 per BLOB).
CSQ.ADMIN_MSGS_BAUX1 CSQ.ADMIN_MSGS_BAUX2 CSQ.ADMIN_MSGS_BAUX3 CSQ.ADMIN_MSGS_BAUX4 These 4 tables contain message payload for large messages added into one of these 4 tables for each BLOB of the message. BLOBS are up to 511K in length, so if the message size is > 711K, there will be multiple BLOBs for this message.

WebSphere MQ supports large shared queue messages through the use of DB2 Binary Large Objects (BLOBs). This feature requires DB2 7.1 as a minimum prerequisite. You should also install the fix for APAR PQ71179 on your version 7 DB2 system. For more information, please contact your IBM representative.

The use of large numbers of shared queue messages of size greater than 63KB can have significant performance implications on your WebSphere MQ system. For more information, see SupportPac MP16, Capacity Planning and Tuning for WebSphere MQ for z/OS, at:
