Filter command (WHERE)
This parameter can be used to selectively display those channels with particular channel attributes only.
- The date on which the definition or information was last altered.
The filter value is the data in the form yyyy-mm-dd.
- The time at which the definition or information was last altered.
The filter value is the time in the form hh:mm:ss.
- Batch heartbeat interval in milliseconds.
The filter value is the integer interval time.
- Batch interval in milliseconds.
The filter value is the integer interval time.
- Batch size.
The filter value is the integer batch size.
- Cluster namelist.
The filter value is the list of cluster names.
- The cluster to which the channel belongs.
The filter value is the name of the cluster.
- Cluster workload rank.
The filter value is the integer rank.
- Cluster workload priority.
The filter value is the integer priority.
- Cluster workload weight.
The filter value is the integer weight.
- Header compression.
The filter value is one of the following:
- No header data compression is performed.
- Header data compression is performed.
- Message compression.
The filter value is one of the following:
- No message data compression is performed.
- *RLE
- Message data compression is performed using RLE.
- Message data compression is performed using ZLIB compression. A high level of compression is preferred.
- Message data compression is performed using ZLIB compression. A fast compression time is preferred.
- *ANY
- Any compression technique supported by the queue manager can be used.
- Remote connection name.
The filter value is the connection name string.
- Whether the message is converted before transmission.
The filter value is one of the following:
- *YES
- The application data in the message is converted before sending.
- *NO
- The application data in the message is not converted before sending.
- Disconnect interval in seconds.
The filter value is the integer interval time.
- Heartbeat interval in seconds.
The filter value is the integer interval time.
- Keep alive interval in seconds.
The filter value is the integer interval time.
- Local connection name.
The filter value is the connection name string.
- Long retry count.
The filter value is the integer count.
- Long retry interval in seconds.
The filter value is the integer interval time.
- Maximum message length.
The filter value is the integer length.
- Message channel agent name.
The filter value is the agent name.
- Whether the message channel agent program should run as a thread or process.
The filter value is one of the following:
- The message channel agent runs as a separate process.
- The message channel agent runs as a separate thread.
- Message channel agent user identifier.
The filter value is the user identifier string.
- SNA mode name.
The filter value is the mode name string.
- Channel Monitoring.
The filter value is one of the following:
- The collection of Online Monitoring Data is inherited from the setting of the queue manager attribute MONCHL.
- *OFF
- Online Monitoring Data collection for this channel is switched off.
- *LOW
- Monitoring data collection is turned on with a low ratio of data collection.
- Monitoring data collection is turned on with a moderate ratio of data collection.
- Monitoring data collection is turned on with a high ratio of data collection.
- Message exit name.
The filter value is the exit name.
- Message retry exit user data.
The filter value is the user data string.
- Message retry exit name.
The filter value is the exit name.
- Message retry interval interval in seconds.
The filter value is the integer interval time.
- Number of message retries.
The filter value is the integer number of retries.
- Message exit user data.
The filter value is the user data string.
- Network connection priority ranging from 0 through 9.
The filter value is the integer priority value.
- Whether the channel supports fast nonpersistent messages.
The filter value is one of the following:
- The channel supports fast nonpersistent messages.
- The channel does not support fast nonpersistent messages.
- Whether the user identifier in the context information is used.
The filter value is one of the following:
- *DFT
- No authority check is made before the message is put on the destination queue.
- *CTX
- The user identifier in the message context information is used to establish authority to put the message.
- Receive exit name.
The filter value is the exit name.
- Receive exit user data.
The filter value is the user data string.
- Security exit name.
The filter value is the exit name.
- Security exit user data.
The filter value is the user data string.
- Maximum message sequence number.
The filter value is the integer sequence number.
- Short retry count.
The filter value is the integer count.
- Short retry interval in seconds.
The filter value is the integer interval time.
- Send exit name.
The filter value is the exit name.
- Send exit user data.
The filter value is the user data string.
- Whether the channel should carry out client authentication over SSL.
The filter value is one of the following:
- Client authentication is required.
- Client authentication is optional.
- The CipherSpec using in SSL channel negotiation.
The filter value is the name of the CipherSpec.
- The X500 peer name used in SSL channel negotiation.
The filter value is the peer name.
- Channel Statistics.
The filter value is one of the following:
- The collection of statistics data is inherited from the setting of the queue manager attribute STATCHL.
- *OFF
- Statistics data collection for this channel is switched off.
- *LOW
- Statistics data collection is turned on with a low ratio of data collection.
- Statistics data collection is turned on with a moderate ratio of data collection.
- Statistics data collection is turned on with a high ratio of data collection.
- Descriptive comment.
The filter value is the text description of the channel.
- Target queue manager name.
The filter value is the target queue manager of the channel.
- Transmission queue name.
The filter value is the name of the queue.
- The SNA transaction program name.
The filter value is the program name string.
- Transport type.
The filter value is one of the following:
- *TCP
- Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
- *LU62
- SNA LU 6.2.
- Task user identifier.
The filter value is the user identifier string.