Understanding the authorization specification tables
The authorization specification tables starting in topic Table 8 define precisely how the authorizations work and the restrictions that apply. The tables apply to these situations:
- Applications that issue MQI calls
- Administration programs that issue MQSC commands as escape PCFs
- Administration programs that issue PCF commands
In this section the information is presented as a set of tables that specify the following:
- Action to be performed
- MQI option, MQSC command, or PCF command.
- Access control object
- Queue, process definition, queue manager, namelist, channel, client connection channel, listener, service, or authentication information object.
- Authorization required
- Expressed as an MQZAO_ constant.
In the tables, the constants prefixed by MQZAO_ correspond to the keywords in the authorization list for the GRTMQMAUT and RVKMQMAUT commands for the particular entity. For example, MQZAO_BROWSE corresponds to the keyword
*BROWSE; similarly, the keyword MQZAO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT corresponds to the keyword *SETALL and so on. These constants are defined in the header file cmqzc.h, which is supplied with the product.