Changes for this edition (SC34-6586-00)
- There is full detailed reference information about the CL commands in Appendix A. The CL commands.
There are three new authorization service functions (entry points) available, as follows:
- Authenticates a user ID and password, and can set identity context fields. For more information, see MQZ_AUTHENTICATE_USER - Authenticate user.
- Frees associated allocated resources. For more information, see MQZ_FREE_USER - Free user.
- Queries the supported functionality of the authorization service. For more information, see MQZ_INQUIRE - Inquire authorization service.
There are three new WebSphere MQ structures used by the installable services, as follows:
- MQZAC - Application context
- The MQZAC structure is used on the MQZ_AUTHENTICATE_USER call for the ApplicationContext parameter. This parameter specifies data related to the calling application. For more information, see MQZAC - Application context.
- MQZIC - Identity context
- The MQZIC structure is used on the MQZ_AUTHENTICATE_USER call for the IdentityContext parameter. For more information, see MQZIC - Identity context.
- MQZFP - Free parameters
- The MQZFP structure is used on the MQZ_FREE_USER call for the FreeParms parameter. This parameter specifies data related to resource to be freed. For more information, see MQZFP - Free parameters.
- There is new introductory information about client connection channels, listeners, and services in Introduction to WebSphere MQ.
- There is new information about how to work with WebSphere MQ for iSeries and daylight saving time in Daylight saving time.
- There is new information about working with triggering on WebSphere MQ for iSeries in Working with triggering.
- There are updated details about granting authorities to objects in Granting WebSphere MQ authorities to WebSphere MQ objects.
- There are several updates to Backup, recovery, and restart, including the following topics:
- There is information about the
QMErrorLog stanza of qm.ini, which allows you to tailor the operation and contents of queue manager error logs. For more information, see The queue manager error log stanza.
- There is information about changes to the behavior of ENDCCTJOB(*YES) in ENDMQM parameter ENDCCTJOB(*YES).
- Various corrections and minor improvements have been made.
- This book is a revision of the WebSphere MQ for iSeries System Administration Guide, V5.3, SC34-6070-00.