Online information


This section describes the sources of information available online about WebSphere MQ V6.0:


HTML and PDF books on the World Wide Web

The WebSphere MQ books are available on the World Wide Web as well as on the product CD-ROM. They are available in PDF and HTML format. The WebSphere MQ product family Web site is at:

By following links from this Web site we can:


Online help

Man pages are provided for all API calls, MQSC commands, and relevant control commands including crtmqm, strmqm, and endmqm.



SupportPacs contain material that complements the WebSphere MQ family products, for example, there are a number of SupportPacs to help you with performance and capacity planning. Many SupportPacs are freely available for download, others can be purchased as a fee-based service. SupportPacs can be obtained from the following Web site:


WebSphere MQ newsgroups

WebSphere MQ support provides a number of newsgroups where members share their knowledge and experience with others. A list of the newsgroups can be found at:


Whitepapers and migration documents

IBM produces a number whitepapers that contain other useful information about WebSphere MQ. These can be found at:


Service support summary (PTF readmes)

The service support summary gives a summary of the support information and end of service dates for in-service MQSeries products. This can be found at:


Parent topic:

WebSphere MQ Documentation
