Migrating to WebSphere MQ V6.0


If you want to migrate to WebSphere MQ V6.0 complete this task. For further information about migrating to WebSphere MQ V6.0 see the WebSphere MQ Migration Information book.

  1. End all WebSphere MQ activity.

    1. Log in as root.

    2. Use the endmqm command to stop all running queue managers.

    3. Stop any listeners associated with the queue managers, using the command:
      endmqlsr -m QMgrName

    4. To check that you have stopped all of them, enter the following:
      ps -ef | grep mq
      Check that there are no processes listed that are running command lines beginning amq or runmq. Ignore any that start with amqi.

  2. Function supplied by the SupportPacs in the table below has been superseded by function in WebSphere MQ V6.0. Remove these SupportPacs before installing WebSphere MQ V6.0.

    SupportPacs superseded by WebSphere MQ V6.0
    SupportPac™ Number Description
    MA0C MQSeries Publish/subscribe
    MA0R WebSphere MQ transport for SOAP
    MA88 MQSeries Classes for Java™ and WebSphere MQ classes for Java Message Service
    MACR MQSeries Client libraries for Sun Solaris (64-bit)
    Please review any other installed SupportPacs for their applicability to WebSphere MQ V6.0.

  3. Uninstall WebSphere MQ and any WebSphere MQ service updates.

  4. Install WebSphere MQ V6.0 by following the tasks set out in the book.


Parent topic:

Welcome to WebSphere MQ V6.0
