Quick Beginnings for AIX



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  1. Quick Beginnings for AIX
  2. Welcome to WebSphere MQ
  3. Road map
  4. Conventions used in this book
  5. What's new in WebSphere MQ for AIX V6.0
  6. Release notes
  7. Migrating to WebSphere MQ V6
  8. Important information for beta driver users
  9. After you have migrated
  10. Server
  11. Preparing to install
  12. Checking hardware and software requirements
  13. Checking supported operating environments
  14. Checking optional software
  15. Creating WebSphere MQ file systems
  16. Creating a file system for the product code
  17. Creating a file system for the working data
  18. Creating separate file systems for working data
  19. Set up the user ID and group
  20. Creating the user ID and group
  21. Adding existing user IDs to the group
  22. Displaying messages in your national language
  23. Implications of a 64-bit queue manager
  24. Installing
  25. Custom Installation
  26. Remote Installation
  27. WebSphere MQ components
  28. Verifying
  29. Verifying a local installation
  30. Set up the installation
  31. Testing the installation
  32. Verifying a server-to-server installation
  33. Set up the sender workstation
  34. Set up the receiver workstation
  35. Testing communication between the workstations
  36. Verifying the installation using the JMS Postcard application
  37. Set up your system to run the JMS Postcard
  38. Set the PATH variable
  39. Set environment variables using setjmsenv
  40. Using the JMS Postcard application to verify a local installation
  41. Using the Postcard application to verify a server-to-server installation
  42. Client
  43. Preparing to install
  44. Checking hardware and software requirements
  45. Checking supported operating environments
  46. Checking optional software
  47. Creating WebSphere MQ file systems
  48. Creating a file system for the product code
  49. Creating a file system for the working data
  50. Creating separate file systems for working data
  51. Set up the user ID and group
  52. Creating the user ID and group
  53. Adding existing user IDs to the group
  54. Displaying messages in your national language
  55. Installing
  56. Custom Installation
  57. WebSphere MQ components
  58. Verifying
  59. Set up the server workstation
  60. Set up the client workstation
  61. Testing communication between the workstations
  62. Installing a client on the same machine as a server
  63. Maintaining
  64. Installing a PTF
  65. Restoring the previous service level
  66. Uninstallation procedure
  67. WebSphere MQ documentation
  68. Publications supplied with the product
  69. Hardcopy books
  70. Online information