web.xml deployment descriptor



The web.xml deployment descriptor file provides configuration information for the Web components that comprise a web application (*.war). The servlet 2.3 specification dictates the format of the web.xml file, which makes this file portable among J2EE compliant products.

The web.xml file must reside in the WEB-INF directory under the context of the hierarchy of directories that exist for a web application (.war). For example, if the application is client.war, then the web.xml file is placed in...


This file can be updated using many tools, such as Rational Application Developer and the Assembly Toolkit.


web.xml Sample

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE web-app 
             "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.  //DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"

   <web-app id="WebApp_1">

      <display-name>Persistence Manager Web Client</display-name>

      <description>Persistance Manager Web Client</description>

      <servlet id="Servlet_1">
         <description>Local Customer Servlet</description>

      <servlet id="Servlet_2">
         <description>Remote Customer Servlet</description>

      <servlet id="Servlet_3">
         <description>Credit Card Servlet - PM Verification</description>

      <servlet-mapping id="ServletMapping_1">

      <servlet-mapping id="ServletMapping_2">

      <servlet-mapping id="ServletMapping_3">

      <welcome-file-list id="WelcomeFileList_1">

      <security-role id="SecurityRole_1">
         <description>Everyone role</description>
         <role-name>Everyone Role</role-name>

      <security-role id="SecurityRole_2">
         <description>AllAuthenticated role</description>
         <role-name>All Role</role-name>

      <security-role id="SecurityRole_3">
         <description>Deny all access role</description>



See Also

Webapplications: Resources for learning