General runtime troubleshooting worksheet


Description of the problem and the environment

  1. Problem Summary:







  2. Fully qualified hostname and IP address of the involved system(s): 


    User IDs and passwords used:


  3. WebSphere Portal version, release, and fix pack level (also please list any interim fixes applied):




  4. WebSphere Application Server version, release, and fix pack level (also please list any interim

    fixes applied):






  5. Web server product and version installed, if any (local or remote and on what platform?): 


  6. LDAP server product and version installed, if any (local or remote and on what platform?):


  7. Database product and version installed, if any other than Cloudscape (local or remote and on

    what platform?):



  8. If an external security manager is in use, please specify here (include platform): 

    Tivoli Access Manager: ____________________________________________________________

    Netegrity SiteMinder: _____________________________________________________________

    Other: __________________________________________________________________________


  9. WebSphere Portal's operating system: _______________________________________________

    Operating System Patch/Maintenance/Service Pack Level: _______________________________  

  10. Number of CPUs on this server? _____________________________________________________

    Amount of RAM installed: __________________________________________________________

    Amount of free hard disk space on all drives: __________________________________________


  11. Steps to recreate:








  12. Describe the network environment:








Refer to these files, capture them for later review:

  • Any log or trace files relevant to the investigation
  • Any configuration files of the server or its components
  • Screen shots

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