Configure Personalization after installation

If you chose not to configure Personalization during installation, manually configure it before you can use it.



Configure Personalization

To configure Personalization, do the following

  1. Locate the portal_root/config/
  2. Use a text editor to open the portal_root/config/ file. Uncomment and verify the following properties for your environment:

    Note the following:

    Section of properties file: WebSphere Application Server properties

    Property Value

    Description: WebSphere Application Server install directory.

    Recommended Value: dir

    Default Value: D:/WebSphere/AppServer


    Description: Directory where WebSphere Application Server user data is created.

    Recommended Value: dir

    Default Value: D:/WebSphere/AppServer


    Description: The user ID for WebSphere Application Server security authentication.

    Recommended Value: userid

    Default Custom User Registry (CUR) value: wpsbind


    Description: The password for WebSphere Application Server security authentication.

    Recommended Value: password

    Default Value: none


    Description: The directory where Portal is installed

    Recommended Value: portal_path

    Default Value: D:/WebSphere/


    Description: The WebSphere Application Server cell to which the appserver belongs.

    Recommended Value: cell

    Default Value: cell


    Description: The node within the cell to which the WebSphere Application Server belongs (typically this value is the same as the for the computer).

    Recommended Value: node

    Default Value: node


    Description: The name of the appserver where the Personalization enterprise application is deployed. This value must be unique among other appserver names in the same cell.

    Recommended Value: WebSphere_Portal

    Default Value: WebSphere_Portal

    Section of properties file: Database properties

    Property Value

    Description: The type of database used with Personalization.

    Recommended Value: db2

    Default Value: cloudscape


    Description: The Java class name for the JDBC provider that Personalization uses to communicate with its databases.

    Recommended Value:

    Default Value: (Cloudscape)


    Description: The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located.

    Recommended Value: SQLLIB/java/

    Default Value: portal_root/shared/app/cloudscape/db2j.jar, where portal_root is the Portal installation directory. (Cloudscape)

    Section of properties file: Feedback properties

    Property Value

    Description:The JDBC URL to the Feedback database.

    Recommended Value: jdbc:db2:fbkdb

    Default Value: jdbc:db2j:wpsdp;create=true (Cloudscape)


    Description: The Feedback database user.

    Note: This property is required for DB2 and DB2 for z/OS. For SQL Server and Oracle only, this value must be set to FEEDBACK.

    Recommended Value: dbuser

    Default Value:wcmdbadm


    Description: The Feedback database user password.

    Recommended Value: dbpassword

    Default Value:ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd


    Description: The name of the remote Personalization Feedback database for IBM Universal Database for z/OS only.

    Recommended Value:wpsdbzos

    Default Value:fdbk5zos


    Description: The name of the Feedback database tablespace. Required for DB2 and z/OS.

    Recommended Value:wpsdbts

    Default Value: fdbk5dbs

  3. Save the file.
  4. Enter the following commands to run the appropriate configuration tasks:

    Note: Check the output for any error messages before proceeding with the next task. If any of the configuration tasks fail, verify the values in the file.

    Note: If the passwords were set in the above property files, they do not need to be entered into the command line.

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