Migration Tasks
This topic explains the migration tasks that are used as part of the WebSphere Portal migration process. Note that the specific tasks that are required for migration can vary. Refer to the migration instructions in the Run the migration tasks section for information on which migration tasks use.
Note the following information:
- The migration tasks assume that WebSphere Portal V5.1 is successfully installed and configured, and that all required parameters are provided in the mig_core.properties and mig_wmm.properties files.
- Any parameters that you specify when invoking the tasks from the command line will supersede the parameter values in the properties files.
- The -D flag needs to be placed on the task parameters if you enter them on the command line. For example, ./WPmigrate.sh export-apps with parameters added would be typed like this on the command line:
./WPmigrate.sh export-apps -DincludeApps=<appnames> -DexcludeApps=<appnames>
Description: Exports places, pages, portlet applications, configuration for themes and skins, user customizations, portlet configuration data, and Notes and iNotes Portlet settings to a specified file.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh export-all
Windows: WPmigrate.bat export-all
Description: Exports custom portlet applications and portlet configuration to a specified file.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh export-apps
Windows: WPmigrate.bat export-apps
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description includeApps Takes a comma-separated list of portlet application global IDs to be included in the export. If the parameter is left blank, all portlet applications will be included in the export. excludeApps Takes a comma-separated list of portlet application global IDs to be excluded from the export. If the parameter is left blank, no portlet applications will be excluded from the export. filenameApps Specifies the file to which the data is exported. The default file name is appsout.xml. appsPath Path to where WAR files for portlet applications reside. Points to a URL where the WAR files could be found for custom portlet applications (for example: file:///usr/WebSphere/PortalServer/install). The default file path is file://localhost/$server_root$/installableApps. Portlet applications with the following global IDs will not be exported by default unless the includeApps parameter is supplied to specifically include them. Notice that some entries in the following list include wildcard characters. So, for example, com.ibm.wps.* refers to any portlet application that has a global ID beginning with com.ibm.wps.
- com.ibm.hrl.portlets.Sindex
- com.ibm.wps.*
- com.ibm.portlets.exchange*
- com.screamingmedia.openportlet.wps*
- Document_Viewer_Portlet
- Moreover News
- An OCS Viewer Application
- SQL Query Portlet
- FT Portlet - Demonstration
Description: Exports modified default portal clients or custom clients to a specified file.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh export-clients
Windows: WPmigrate.bat export-clients
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description includeClients Takes a comma-separated list of case-sensitive portal client names to be included in the export. If left blank, all portal clients will be exported. excludeClients Takes a comma-separated list of case-sensitive portal client names to be excluded from the export. If left blank, no portal clients will be excluded from the export. filenameClients Specifies the file to which the portal clients are exported. The default file name is clientsout.xml.
Description: Exports settings from multiple Notes and iNotes portlets from a previous version of WebSphere Portal to a specified file.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh export-notes-portlets
Windows: WPmigrate.bat export-notes-portlets
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description filenameNotesPortlets Specifies the file to which the Notes and iNotes portlets settings are exported. The default file name is notesportletsout.xml.
Description: Exports pages that are defined in a previous version of WebSphere Portal to a specified file name.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh export-pages
Windows: WPmigrate.bat export-pages
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Pages with the following names will not be exported by default unless the includePages parameter is supplied to specifically include them.
Input Description includePages Takes a comma-separated list of case-sensitive page names to be included in the export. If left blank, all pages will be exported. excludePages Takes a comma-separated list of case-sensitive page names to be excluded from the export. If left blank, no pages will be excluded. deployApps Takes true or false. If set to true, the portlet applications that are used on the pages will be exported along with the pages. filenamePages Specifies the file to which pages will be exported. The default file name is pagesout.xml. appsPath Points to a URL where the WAR files could be found for custom portlet applications (for example: file:///usr/WebSphere/PortalServer/install). The default file path is file://localhost/$server_root$/installableApps. configThemesSkins Takes true or false. If set to true, the configuration information for themes and skins used by the pages will also be exported.
- Users and Groups
- Security
- Portal Content
- Portlets
- Portal Settings
- Manage Page Groups and Pages
- Manage Places and Pages
- Edit My Pages
- Organize My Favorites
- Edit Layout and Content
- Set Permissions
- Choose Skins
- Install Portlets
- Portlet Applications
- Manage Portlets
- Web Clipping
- Manage Web Services
- Web Services
- Global Settings
- Themes and Skins
- Manage Clients
- Manage Markups
- Manage Search Index
- Enable Tracing
- Manage Users
- Manage Groups
- Access Control List
- Credential Vault
- Manage Content Organizer
- Content Organizer
Description: Exports places that are defined in WebSphere Portal V4.x to a specified file.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh export-places
Windows: WPmigrate.bat export-places
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description includePlaces Takes a comma-separated list of case-sensitive place names to be included in the export. If left blank, all places will be exported. excludePlaces Takes a comma-separated list of case-sensitive place names to be excluded from the export. If left blank, no places will be excluded. deployPages Takes either true or false, and set to true by default. If set to true, pages associated with specified places will automatically be migrated. deployApps Takes either true or false, and set to true by default. If set to true, portlet applications associated with the specified places will automatically be migrated. filenamePlaces Specifies the file to which places will be exported. The default file name is placesout.xml. appsPath Points to a URL where the WAR files could be found for custom portlet applications (for example: file:///usr/WebSphere/PortalServer/install). The default file path is file://localhost/$server_root$/installableApps. configThemesSkins Takes true or false. If set to true, the configuration information for themes and skins used by the places will also be exported. Places with the following names will not be exported by default unless the includePlaces parameter is supplied to specifically include them.
- Work With Pages
- Administration
- Portal Administration
Description: Exports all portlet configuration data from a previous version of WebSphere Portal to a specified file.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh export-portlets-configs
Windows: WPmigrate.bat export-portlets-configs
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description includeApps Takes a comma-separated list of global IDs for portlet applications to be included in the export. If left blank, all portlet applications will be included. excludeApps Takes a comma-separated list of global IDs for portlet applications to be excluded from the export. If left blank, no portlet applications will be excluded. filenamePortletsConfig Specifies the file name to which portlet configuration data will be exported. The default file name is portletsconfigsout.xml
Description: Exports themes and skins to a specified file name. Theme configuration references skins. This task will automatically export configuration of skins that are referenced by the themes.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX: ./WPmigrate.sh export-themes-skins-configs
Windows: WPmigrate.bat export-themes-skins-configs
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
themes skins config" >
Input Description includeThemes Takes a comma-separated list of theme and skin names to be included in the export. If left blank, all themes and skins will be included. excludeThemes Takes a comma-separated list of theme and skin names to be excluded from the export. If left blank, no themes and skins will be excluded. filenameThemes Specifies a file name to which the themes and skins will be exported. The default file name is themesout.xml. Themes with the following names will not be migrated by default unless the includeThemes parameter is supplied to specifically include them.
- Admin
- AdminLeftNavigation
- Corporate
- Engineering
- Finance
- Science
- WebSphere
- Home
Description: Exports all user customizations from a previous version of WebSphere Portal to a specified file. User customizations are artifacts that are attributed to a user that has EDIT but not MANAGE permissions on a page. They are created when such a user changes the layout of a page or edits portlet settings.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh export-user-customizations
Windows: WPmigrate.bat export-user-customizations
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description includePages Takes a comma-separated list of case-sensitive page names to be included in the export. If left blank, all pages will be exported. excludePages Takes a comma-separated list of case-sensitive page names to be excluded from the export. If left blank, no pages will be excluded. filenameUserPages Specifies the file to which pages will be exported. The default file name is userpagesout.xml. Assumptions/Prerequisites:
Error Conditions:
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked:
Description: Exports all user customizations from a previous version of WebSphere Portal to a specified file.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh export-user-groups-ac
Windows: WPmigrate.bat export-user-groups-ac
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description filenameUserGroupsAcOut Specifies the file to which the user groups information will be exported. The default file name is usergroupsacout.xml.
Description: Exports WSRP portlet configuration objects from WebSphere Portal version 5.0.2.x.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh export-wsrp-portlets
Windows: WPmigrate.bat export-wsrp-portlets
Description: Imports places, pages, portlet applications, configuration for themes and skins, user customizations, portlet configuration data, and Notes and iNotes Portlet settings from a specified file.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh import-all
Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-all
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description skipWmmMigration Takes a true or false value. Specifies whether the migrate-wmm task will be run as part of the import-all task. If set to true, the migrate-wmm task will be skipped.
Description: Imports portlet applications from a specified file.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh import-apps
Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-apps
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description filenameApps Specifies the file from which to import the portlet applications. The default file name is appsout.xml.
Description: Imports clients from a specified file.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh import-clients
Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-clients
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description filenameClients Specifies the file from which to import the portal client data. The default file name is clientsout.xml.
Description: Imports settings from multiple Notes and iNotes portlets from a specified file.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh import-notes-portlet
Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-notes-portlet
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description filenameNotesPortlets Specifies the file from which to import the notes portlet data. The default file name is notesportletsout.xml.
Description: Imports pages from a specified file.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh import-pages
Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-pages
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description filenamePages Specifies the file from which to import the page data. The default file name is pagesout.xml.
Description: Imports places from a specified file.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh import-places
Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-places
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description filenamePlaces Specifies the file from which to import the place data. The default file name is placesout.xml
Description: Imports all portlet configuration data from a specified file.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh import-portlets-configs
Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-portlets-configs
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description filenamePortletsConfigs Specifies the file from which to import the portlet configuration data. The default file name is portletsconfigsout.xml.
Description: Imports themes and skins from a specified file name.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX: ./WPmigrate.sh import-themes-skins-configs
Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-themes-skins-configs
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
themes skins config" >
Input Description filenameThemes Specifies the file from which themes and skins will be imported. The default file name is themesout.xml.
Description: Imports all user customizations from a specified file.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh import-user-customizations
Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-user-customizations
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description filenameUserPages Specifies the file from which user customization data will be imported. The default file name is userpagesout.xml.
Description: Imports all user customizations from a specified file
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh import-user-groups-ac
Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-user-groups-ac
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description filenameUserGroups Specifies the file from which user customization data will be imported. The default file name is userpagesout.xml.
Description: Imports WSRP portlet configuration objects from WebSphere Portal version 5.0.2.x.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh import-wsrp-portlets
Windows: WPmigrate.bat import-wsrp-portlets
Description: Runs all the migration tasks one after the other with no breaks.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh migrate-all
Windows: WPmigrate.bat migrate-all
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description skipWmmMigration Takes a true or false value. Specifies whether the migrate-wmm task will be run as part of the migrate-all task. If set to true, the migrate-wmm task will be skipped.
Description: Deploys upgraded portlet applications to WebSphere Portal V5.1.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh migrate-apps
Windows: WPmigrate.bat migrate-apps
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description includeApps Takes a comma-separated list of global IDs for portlet applications to include in migration. If left blank, all portlet applications will be included. excludeApps Takes a comma-separated list of global IDs for portlet applications to exclude from migration. If left blank, no portlet applications will be excluded. appsPath Points to a URL where the WAR files could be found for custom portlet applications (for example: file:///usr/WebSphere/PortalServer/install). The default file path is file://localhost/$server_root$/installableApps. Note the following information:
- In V4.x, the globalid of the application must be specified in includeApps or excludeApps. Log in to the source server as an administrator, select Portal Administration > Portlets> Manage Portlet Applications > Select an application->Show Info >Portlet Application Name If you are attempting to locate the parameter via an Export from the source server, specify the Portlet Application Name as "name".
- In V5.x, the Portlet Application name must be specified in includeApps or excludeApps. Log in to the source server as an administrator, select Administration > Portlets > Manage Applications > Select an Application > Show Info. If you are attempting to locate the parameter via an Export from the source server, specify the Portlet Application Name as "uid".
- Portlet applications with the following global IDs will not be exported by default unless the includeApps parameter is supplied to specifically include them. Notice that some entries in the following list include wildcard characters. For example, com.ibm.wps.* refers to any portlet application that has a global ID beginning with com.ibm.wps.
- com.ibm.hrl.portlets.Sindex
- com.ibm.wps.*
- com.ibm.portlets.exchange*
- com.screamingmedia.openportlet.wps*
- Document_Viewer_Portlet
- Moreover News
- An OCS Viewer Application
- SQL Query Portlet
- FT Portlet - Demonstration
Migrates default portal clients to WebSphere Portal V5.1. When the includeClients parameter is specified, only the clients that are listed after that parameter are moved to WebSphere Portal V5.1. When the excludeClients parameter is specified, configuration information for the list of clients after the parameter will not be moved to WebSphere Portal V5.1. A wildcard character (*) can also be used within each name.
For example, the following command will migrate configuration information for the clients from a previously installed version of WebSphere Portal with an objectid of _M_08306VP06C0616LT_42.
WPmigrate.sh migrate-clients -DincludeClients=_M_08306VP06C0616LT_42
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh migrate-clients
Windows: WPmigrate.bat migrate-clients
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description includeClients Takes a comma-separated list of case-sensitive portal clients to include in migration. If left blank, all portal clients will be included. excludeClients Takes a comma-separated list of case-sensitive portal clients to excluded from migration. If left blank, no portal clients will be excluded. Note the following information:
IncludeClients and excludeClients are only available for a V5.x source server. In V5.x, the objectid of the resource in the source server must be specified in includeClients or excludeClients. To locate the objectid of the resource, use the following sample file to export the clients in the source server. For more information, see the Working with the XML configuration interface section.
V5.x example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <request xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_1.2.xsd" type="export"> <!-- sample for exporting a page --> <portal action="locate"> <client action="export" objectid="*" /> </portal> </request>When you are finished, locate the clients that need to be migrated and specify their objectid on includeClients or excludeClients in mig_core.properties.
Description: Migrates settings from multiple Notes and iNotes portlets from a previous version of WebSphere Portal to a single Notes and a single iNotes portlet in WebSphere Portal V5.1.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh migrate-notes-portlets
Windows: WPmigrate.bat migrate-notes-portlets
Inputs: None
Description: Migrates pages to WebSphere Portal V5.1. This step only migrates pages that are defined as "explicit"(that is, pages that are not created implicitly by WebSphere Portal due to user customization). The user customizations are separately migrated using the migrate-user-customizations task.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh migrate-pages
Windows: WPmigrate.bat migrate-pages
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description includePages Takes a comma-separated list of case-sensitive page names to be included in migration. If left blank, all pages will be included. excludePages Takes a comma-separated list of case-sensitive page names to be excluded from migration. If left blank, no pages will be excluded. appsPath Points to a URL where the WAR files could be found for custom portlet applications. If deployApps is set to true, appsPath defaults to file://localhost/<wp_root>/installableApps, which will try and look for portlet WAR files under <wp5_root>/installableApps. The default file path is file://localhost/$server_root$/installableApps. configThemesSkins Takes true or false. If set to true, the configuration information for themes and skins used by the pages will also be migrated. Note the following information:
- The migrate-pages task can be run successfully only once. The task will fail the second time if the task has already completed successfully. For more information, see The migrate-pages and migrate-places tasks fail after running successfully.
- The migrate-pages task does not migrate theme references that you might have specified on the places containing the pages. migrate the places separately using the migrate-places task in order access the theme references. Using migrate-pages with all its available parameters is not recommended. However, it is useful in cases when you have already migrated your places using the migrate-places task and a new page is added to WebSphere Portal V4.x. In this situation, verify you delete the <wp4_root>/migration/work/navigationout.xml file (if present) before running the migrate-pages task to migrate the newly added page. This situation of a new page being added to WebSphere Portal V4.x could occur when you are testing migration on your development environments. When migrating your production environments, it is recommended that you freeze the changes to WebSphere Portal V4.x until the migration is complete. You might then use one of the suitable scenarios described in the Run the migration tasks section. You should not use the optional tasks to migrate your production environments unless it is required.
- If you are running migrate-pages with pages that contain WSRP portlets, the migrate-wsrp-portlets task needs to be run first.
- In V4.x, the name of the resource must be specified in includePages or excludePages.
- In V5.x, a unique name must be assigned to the object in the source server and then specified in includePages or excludePages. To set a unique name, log in to the source server as an administrator, select Administration > Portal Settings > Custom Unique Names, and then select the type of resource you want to migrate. After you select a type, a list of resources currently residing on that server is displayed, including the Resource Names, Unique Identifiers, and the Custom Names. Use the value displayed in the Custom Name field of the resource you want to specify in includePages or excludePages. If no Custom Name exists, assign one to the resource in order to migrate it individually.
- Pages with the following names will not be migrated by default unless the includePages parameter is supplied to specifically include them.
- Users and Groups
- Security
- Portal Content
- Portlets
- Portal Settings
- Manage Page Groups and Pages
- Manage Places and Pages
- Edit My Pages
- Organize My Favorites
- Edit Layout and Content
- Set Permissions
- Choose Skins
- Install Portlets
- Portlet Applications
- Manage Portlets
- Web Clipping
- Manage Web Services
- Web Services
- Global Settings
- Themes and Skins
- Manage Clients
- Manage Markups
- Manage Search Index
- Enable Tracing
- Manage Users
- Manage Groups
- Access Control List
- Credential Vault
- Manage Content Organizer
- Content Organizer
Description: Migrates places to WebSphere Portal V5.1.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh migrate-places
Windows: WPmigrate.bat migrate-places
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description includePlaces Takes a comma-separated list of case-sensitive place names to be included in migration. If left blank, all places will be included. excludePlaces Takes a comma-separated list of case-sensitive place names to be excluded from migration. If left blank, no place will be excluded from migration. deployPages Takes true or false, and defaults to true. Allows the task to automatically migrate pages that are associated with the places. deployApps Takes true or false, and defaults to true. Allows the task to automatically migrate portlets that are associated with the places. appsPath Points to a URL where the WAR files can be found for the portlet applications. AppsPath defaults to <wp5_root>/installableApps, which will allow the XML configuration interface to look for WAR files under that directory during portlet deployment. The default file path is file://localhost/$server_root$/installableApps. configThemesSkins Takes true or false, and defaults to true. Allows the task to automatically migrate themes and skins that are associated with the places. Note the following information:
- The migrate-places task can be run successfully only once. The task will fail the second time if the task has already completed successfully. For more information, see The migrate-pages and migrate-places tasks fail after running successfully
- When running the migrate-places task while migrating from V4.x to V5.1 and page deployment is enabled, you do not need to run the migrate-pages task. Running both tasks or running one task multiple times can result in multiple copies of the same page.
- Places with the following names will not be migrated by default unless the includePlaces parameter is supplied to specifically include them.
- Work With Pages
- Administration
- Portal Administration
- When migrating places from WebSphere Portal V4.x to WebSphere Portal V5.x, the places will become pages in the 5.x system. It is possible to add portlets to these pages by first selecting a layout for the page.
Description: Migrates portlet configuration data to WebSphere Portal V5.1
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh migrate-portlets-configs
Windows: WPmigrate.bat migrate-portlets-configs
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description includeApps Takes a comma-separated list of global IDs for portlet applications to include in migration. If left blank, all portlet applications will be included. excludeApps Takes a comma-separated list of global IDs for portlet applications to be excluded from migration. If left blank, no portlet application will be excluded.
Description: Migrates themes and skins to WebSphere Portal V5.1.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh migrate-themes-skins-configs
Windows: WPmigrate.bat migrate-themes-skins-configs
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description includeThemes Takes a comma-separated list of themes and skins to be included in migration. If left blank, all themes and skins will be included. excludeThemes Takes a comma-separated list of themes and skins to be excluded from migration. If left blank, no themes and skins will be excluded. Note the following information:
- In V4.x, the name of the resource must be specified in includeThemes or excludeThemes.
- In V5.x, the objectid of the resource in the source server must be specified in includeThemes or excludeThemes. To locate the objectid of the resource, use the following sample file to export the themes in the source server. For more information, see the Working with the XML configuration interface section.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <request xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_1.2.xsd" type="export"> <!-- sample for exporting a page --> <portal action="locate"> <theme action="export" objectid="*" /> </portal> </request>When you are finished, locate the themes that need to be migrated and specify their objectid on includeClients or excludeClients in mig_core.properties.
- Themes with the following names will not be migrated by default unless the includeThemes parameter is supplied to specifically include them.
- Admin
- AdminLeftNavigation
- Corporate
- Engineering
- Finance
- Science
- WebSphere
- Home
Description: This task migrates user customizations to WebSphere Portal V5.1. User customizations are artifacts that are attributed to a user that has EDIT but not MANAGE permissions on a page. They are created when such a user changes the layout of a page or edits portlet settings. Theme configuration references skins. This task will automatically migrate configuration of skins that are referenced by the themes. The parameters will help prevent unnecessary conflicts when migrating implicit (derived) pages holding the user customization data that might not have corresponding explicit pages. As an added precaution, this task checks for the existence of the corresponding explicit pages before importing the implicit page.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh migrate-user-customizations
Windows: WPmigrate.bat migrate-user-customizations
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description includePages Takes a comma-separated list of page names to be included in the migration. If left blank, all user customizations will be included. excludePages Takes a comma-separated list of page names to be excluded from the migration. If left blank, no user customizations will be excluded. Assumptions/Prerequisites:
Error Conditions:
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked:
Description: Migrates access control user groups.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh migrate-user-groups-ac
Windows: WPmigrate.bat migrate-user-groups-ac
Inputs: None
Description: Migrates extended user attributes to WebSphere Portal V5.1.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh migrate-wmm
Windows: WPmigrate.bat migrate-wmm
Inputs: None
Description: Migrates WSRP portlet configuration objects from WebSphere Portal version 5.0.2.x.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh migrate-wsrp-portlets
Windows: WPmigrate.bat migrate-wsrp-portlets
Description: This task makes custom deployment scripts compatible with the WebSphere Portal V5.1 XML configuration interface schema.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
Windows: WPmigrate.bat migrate-xmlaccess-script
UNIX: ./WPmigrate.sh migrate-xmlaccess-script
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs:
Input Description ScriptPath The complete path to your script file. ScriptSrc The script file name to be converted. ScriptDest The name of the converted script file.
Description: Optimizes access control roles.
Usage: Invoked as part of the WPmigrate script file. For example:
UNIX/Linux: ./WPmigrate.sh optimize-roles
Windows: WPmigrate.bat optimize-roles
Inputs: None
See also
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