The Update Member Manager Configuration Task

The Update Member Manager configuration task should be run whenever a WebSphere Member Manager registry type is changed after the initial WebSphere Portal installation. E.g. - if the WebSphere Member Manager registry type is changed from the default database to LDAP. This task will re-configure the custom Web Content Management attributes within Member Manager.

Before running this configuration task ensure that you have entered the WebSphere Portal Administrators Password in the PortalAdminPwd parameter in the Portal Config Properties section of...


Ensure that this password is also removed from once the configuration task is completed.

  1. Stop the WebSphere Portal application.

  2. Open a command prompt:

  3. Go to the /PortalServer/config

  4. Run the following command:

    Windows: WPSconfig.bat update-wcm-wmm

    UNIX: update-wcm-wmm

    i5/OS: -instance [WAS Instance] update-wcm-wmm

To allow Web Content Management administration users to edit the security settings in Web Content Management items, do the following:

  1. Open the WebSphere Administration console.

  2. Go to Applications -> Enterprise Applications

  3. Select the wmmApp Enterprise Application.

  4. Edit the Map Security Roles to Users/Groups section:

    • Add the Web Content Managers administration group to the Everyone Role. This would normally be the wcmadmins group.

  5. Save these changes and restart WebSphere Portal.

ensure that the Web Content Managers administration group is still added to the Everyone Role every time the Update Member Manager configuration task is run.

Parent topic: Configuration Tasks.

IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1 -


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