The connect.cfg file

Web Content Management technology uses a configuration file...

/PortalServer/wcm/config/connect.cfg customize the behavior of its various features for an individual installation. The configuration file stores a series of settings, one for each of the customizable components of the system.

  1. Global Application Settings
  2. Security Options
  3. Logging and Trace Levels
  4. Business Logic
  5. Business Modules
  6. Connector Section

In i5/OS installations, WCM files are located under wp_user_root, not "/PortalServer/wcm/". For example...

WAS /QIBM/UserData/WEBAS51/Base/instancename/PortalServer51
WAS 6 /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/instancename/PortalServer51

Parent topic: Web Content Management Configuration Files

IBM Workplace Web Content Management - V5.1.0.1 -


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