Troubleshoot the run time for a Web services client based on Web Services for J2EE

This topic discusses troubleshooting Web services clients that are developed and implemented based on the Web Services for J2EE specification.


Malformed URL exception displays when running a client that uses a JMS-style endpoint URL

If you are using the launchClient command to run a managed or unmanaged client that uses a JMS-style endpoint URL, the urlprotocols.jar file that contains the custom protocol handler for the JMS protocol must be in the CLASSPATH. The malformed URL exception can be avoided by making sure the urlprotocols.jar file is in the CLASSPATH.

To add the urlprotocols.jar file to the CLASSPATH...

On Windows platforms, edit the $WAS_HOME\bin\setupCmdLine.bat and locate the line which sets the WAS_CLASSPATH environment variable. Add %$WAS_HOME%\lib\urlprotocols.jar to the end of the line that sets the WAS_CLASSPATH environment variable.

On UNIX platforms, edit the $WAS_HOME/bin/ file and add $$WAS_HOME/lib/urlprotocols.jar to the end of the line that sets the WAS_CLASSPATH environment variable.


See Also

Troubleshooting Web services based on Web Services for J2EE