Null value semantics

The following describe the semantics of NULL values...

AND True False Unknown
True True False Unknown
False False False False
Unknown Unknown False Unknown

OR True False Unknown
True True True True
False True False Unknown
Unknown True Unknown Unknown

True False
False True
Unknown Unknown


Example: Null value semantics

select object(e) from EmpBean where e.salary > 10  and e.dept.budget > 100

If salary is NULL the evaluation of e.salary > 10 returns unknown and the employee object is not returned. If the cmr field dept or budget is NULL evalution of e.dept.budget > 100 returns unknown and the employee object is not returned

select object(e) from EmpBean where e.dept.budget is null

If dept or budget is NULL evaluation of e.dept.budget is null returns TRUE and the employee object is returned

select object(e) from EmpBean e ,  in (e.dept.emps) e1 where e1.salary > 10

If dept is NULL, then the multivalued path expression e.dept.emps results in an empty collection (not a collection that contains a NULL value). An employee with a null dept value will not be returned

select object(e) from EmpBean e where  e.dept.emps is empty

If dept is NULL the evaluation of the predicate in unknown and the employee object is not returned

select object(e) from EmpBean e , EmpBean e1  where e member of  e1.dept.emps

If dept is NULL evaluation of the member of predicate returns unknown and the employee is not returned.


See Also

EJB query language
WHERE clause
Using EJB query