MQSeries queue connection factory settings
To view or change the configuration properties of a selected queue connection factory for use with the MQSeries product JMS provider using ACRCT, click through...
File | Open | EAR_file | Open | JAR_file | JMS Providers | JMS_provider_instance | MQ Queue Connection Factories (right click)
A queue connection factory creates JMS connections to queue destinations. The queue connection factory itself is created by the MQSeries product JMS provider.
Note that in MQSeries, names can have a maximum of 48 characters, with the exception of channels which have a maximum of 20 characters.
Name The name by which this queue connection factory is known for administrative purposes within IBM WAS. The name must be unique within the JMS connection factories across the WebSphere administrative domain.
Description A description of this connection factory for administrative purposes within IBM WAS. JNDI Name The application client run time uses this field to retrieve configuration information. The name must match the value of the Name field on the General tab in the Application Client Resource Reference section of the Assembly Tool.
User The user ID used, with the Password property, for authentication if the calling application does not provide a userid and password explicitly. If you specify a value for the User ID property, also specify a value for the Password property.
The connection factory User ID and Password properties are used if the calling application does not provide a userid and password explicitly; for example, if the calling application uses the method createQueueConnection(). The JMS client flows the userid and password to the JMS server.
Password The password used, with the User ID property, for authentication if the calling application does not provide a userid and password explicitly. If you specify a value for the User ID property, also specify a value for the Password property.
Re-Enter Password Confirms the password.
Queue Manager The name of the MQSeries queue manager for this connection factory. Connections created by this factory connect to that queue manager.
Host The name of the host on which the WebSphere MQ queue manager runs for client connection only.
Port The TCP/IP port number used for connection to the WebSphere MQ queue manager, for client connection only. This port must be configured on the WebSphere MQ queue manager.
Channel The name of the channel used for connection to the WebSphere MQ queue manager, for client connection only.
Transport type Specifies whether the WebSphere MQ client connection or JNI bindings are used for connection to the WebSphere MQ queue manager. The external JMS provider controls the communication protocols between JMS clients and JMS servers. Tune the transport type when you are using non-ASF nonpersistent, nondurable, nontransactional messaging or when you want to satisfy security issues and the client is local to the queue manager node. Values include...
BINDINGS JNI bindings are used to connect to the queue manager. BINDINGS is a shared memory protocol and can only be used when the queue manager is on the same node as the JMS client and poses security risks that should be addressed through the use of EJB roles.
CLIENT WebSphere MQ client connection is used to connect to the queue manager. CLIENT is a typical TCP-based protocol.
DIRECT For WebSphere MQ Event Broker using DIRECT mode. DIRECT is a lightweight sockets protocol used in nontransactional, nondurable and nonpersistent Publish/Subscribe messaging. DIRECT is only works for clients and message-driven beans using the non-ASF protocol.
QUEUED QUEUED is a standard TCP protocol. BINDINGS is faster by 30% or more. DIRECT is the fastest type and should be used where possible. Use BINDINGS when you want to satisfy additional security tasks and the queue manager is local to the JMS client.
QUEUED is the fallback for all other cases. WebSphere MQ 5.3 before CSD2 with the DIRECT setting can lose messages when used with message-driven beans and under load. This loss also happens with client-side applications unless the broker maxClientQueueSize is set to 0. Set this to 0 by running...
wempschangeproperties WAS_nodeName_server \ -e default \ -o DynamicSubscriptionEngine \ -n maxClientQueueSize \ -v 0 \ -x executionGroupUUID....where executionGroupUUID can be found by starting the broker and looking in the Event Log/Applications for event 2201. This value is usually ffffffff-0000-0000-000000000000.
Client ID The JMS client identifier used for connections to the MQSeries queue manager. CCSID The coded character set identifier (CCSID) for use with the WebSphere MQ queue manager. The CCSID must be one of the CCSIDs supported by WebSphere MQ.
Message Retention Select this check box to specify that unwanted messages are to be left on the queue. Otherwise, unwanted messages are handled according to their disposition options. Default is Cleared, meaning unwanted messages are handled according to their disposition options.
Selected means unwanted messages are left on the queue.
Custom Properties Specifies name-value pairs for setting additional properties on the object that is created at run time for this resource. You must enter a name that is a public property on the object and a value that can be converted from a string to the type required by the set method of the property. The acceptable properties and values depend on the object that is created. Refer to the object documentation for a list of valid properties and values.