Assembling Web services-enabled EJB JAR file when starting from WSDL

You need the following artifacts...

Use the Assembly Toolkit to assemble Web services-enabled JAR files. The Assembly Toolkit replaces the Application Assembly Tool (AAT). It is one of the tools available with the Application Server Toolkit product.

To assemble a Web services-enabled EJB JAR file when starting from WSDL...

  1. Start the Assembly Toolkit.

  2. Click File > Import to import the EJB JAR file into the Assembly Toolkit.

  3. Open the J2EE perspective by clicking Windows >Open Perspective > Other > J2EE.

  4. Switch to the Project Navigator pane by clicking the Project Navigator tab.

  5. Locate the project for the JAR file you just imported in the Project Navigator pane.

  6. Expand the ejbModule entry so the META-INF directory is displayed. Expand the META-INF directory.

  7. Right-click the META-INF directory and select New > Folder. Create a subfolder named wsdl in the META-INF directory.

  8. Copy the WSDL file to the META-INF\wsdl directory by right-clicking on the wsdl directory and click File > Import > File system. Browse the WSDL file for this Web service and click Finish.

  9. Copy the JAX-RPC mapping file as specified by the deployment descriptor <jaxrpc-mapping-file> element of webservices.xml.

  10. Copy webservices.xml, ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi and ibm-webservices-ext.xmi into the META-INF subdirectory in the same manner.

The artifacts required to enable an EJB module for Web services are added to the JAR file.


Usage Scenario

After assembling a JAR file named AddressBook.jar contains the following files. The files added in this task are in bold


Configure the webservices.xml deployment descriptor .


See Also

Assembling a Web services-enabled EJB JAR file when starting from Java code
Assembling Web services applications based on Web Services for J2EE
Assembling a Web services-enabled EJB JAR file
Assembling a Web services-enabled EJB JAR into an EAR file
Developing a new Web service from an existing WSDL file using a stateless session enterprise bean