Deploying application clients on workstation platforms

After developing an application client, deploy this application on client machines. Deployment consists of pulling together the various artifacts that the application client requires.

The ACRCT defines resources for the application client. These configurations are stored in the application client .ear file. The application client run time uses these configurations for resolving and creating an instance of the resources for the application client.

Note that This task only applies to J2EE application clients. Only perform this task if you configured your J2EE application client to use resource references.

  1. Start the ACRCT and open an EAR file.

  2. Configure new data source providers.

  3. Configure mail providers and sessions.

  4. Configure URL providers and sessions.

  5. Configure Java messaging client resources.

  6. Configure new environment entries.

  7. (Optional) Remove application client resources.

  8. Save the EAR file.


See Also

Data sources for application clients
Mail providers and mail sessions
URLs for application clients
Resource environment providers and resource environment entries
Configure MQ Queue and Topic connection factories and destination factories for application clients
Configure WAS Queue and Topic connection factories and destination factories for application clients