Database connection settings that can be added to the administrative console

Use the Properties page to set and monitor settings associated with database connections, but that are not displayed on the main settings page by default.

To view the administrative console page, click Resources > JDBC_provider > Data Sources > data_source > Custom Properties.

To add properties to the page, click New and enter at least a name (case-sensitive) and value for the property. Then click Apply. When you are finished entering properties, click OK

preTestSQLString Specify the SQL statement to use for connection pretesting, which helps to ensure that applications obtain valid data sources from connection pools. When connection pretesting is enabled, the SQL statement will be is executed to determine whether the connection is good.

It is important to specify a valid SQL statement for the preTestSQLString custom property for best performance. The SQL statement should be one that is executed quickly and does not result in any exception thrown. For example, you might specify SELECT COUNT(*) from TESTTABLE.

Data type String - Valid SQL statement

  • For Oracle database: SELECT USER FROM DUAL

  • For other supported databases: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rra.x1x1x0x4x


See Also