The user interface (UI) is provided by a set of views, editors and other UI-related resources. These are provided through standard extension point mechanisms as defined by the Eclipse platform.
There are many extension point contributions in the CE, the most important ones are listed below...
Contribution | Description |
Editors | Editors for all major configuration files are provided:
Views | Aid in visualizing various aspects of configuration files. |
Menus, Toolbars | All actions in the CE that operate on configuration objects are defined as standard actions. |
Wizards | Aid in creating new projects and configuration files. |
The CE follows the MVC (model, view, controller) paradigm. The editor for a configuration file creates the widgets that show the contents of the configuration file. The widgets register toolbars and menus they use with the Eclipse framework so contributions can be made to these. All actions that affect the configuration file are implemented and contributed using standard Eclipse mechanisms.
Parent topic: The Configuration Editor