Attribute Maps are pathways for data to flow into or out of the AssemblyLine. Attribute Maps appear in Connectors and Functions as Input and Output Maps, and are also available as stand-alone components in the AssemblyLine.
The diagram at the start of the section entitled The AssemblyLine depicts three Attribute Maps as curved arrows: two Input Maps bringing data into the AssemblyLine, as well as an Output Map passing data to the Connector's cache (the Conn Entry) so it can be written.
Each Attribute Map holds a list of rules that create Attributes in either the Work Entry or the Conn Entry. A mapping rule specifies two things:
work.Titleor it can be a literal text (including newline characters) with optional token substitution:
<html> <header> <title>{work.Title}</title> </header> <body> <p>Look for the "Title" Attribute value in the title of this page</p> </body> </html>
Attribute Maps are created using the Config Editor; see Attribute Mapping and Schema.
Attribute Maps support inheritance, both at the Map level and for individual mapping rules. Note that we can drag a Script onto an Attribute Map to set up an inherited JavaScript mapping rule.
Attribute Maps also provide a functionality called Null Behavior, which is used to control how missing data is handled.
See Internal data model: Entries, Attributes and Values for some more information on Attribute Maps.
Parent topic: The AssemblyLine