## ## This file is read by ibmditk/ibmdisrv on startup ## ## Enter <name>=<value> to set system properties. ## Enter !include <file | url> to include other files ## com.ibm.di.securityTransformation=DES/ECB/NoPadding ## ## Modify the line below to add our own jar/zip files. ## The property may specify several directories or jar files, separated by the Java Property "path.separator", ## which is ":" on Linux and ";" on Windows ## Directories will be searched recursively by the TDILoader for jar files containing classes and resources. ## Only files with a ".zip" or ".jar" extension are searched. # com.ibm.di.loader.userjars=c:\myjars ## ## Modify the line below to enable the config autoload feature. When this property is defined, the "ibmdisrv -d" command ## line will look for *.xml files in the directory specified by this property and start each one. ## # com.ibm.di.server.autoload=autoload.tdi ## ## SYSTEM STORE ## ## Location of the database (embedded mode) - Cloudscape 10 #com.ibm.di.store.database=TDISysStore #com.ibm.di.store.jdbc.driver=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver #com.ibm.di.store.jdbc.urlprefix=jdbc:derby: #com.ibm.di.store.jdbc.user=APP #{protect}-com.ibm.di.store.jdbc.password=APP ## Location of the database to connect (networked mode) - Cloudscape 10 - DerbyClient driver com.ibm.di.store.database=jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/C:\IBM\TDI\V7.1/TDISysStore;create=true com.ibm.di.store.jdbc.driver=org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver com.ibm.di.store.jdbc.urlprefix=jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/ com.ibm.di.store.jdbc.user=APP {protect}-com.ibm.di.store.jdbc.password={encr}BuLuufIB3Ju1mP35+S40QKO6SxVRj1ocQwha4tqDDh3IfWcxtx2OKay/SRy5IEH6QBhQiHi7zuGyp5UAFrfQ6NuRIF1Qy5qCKsQPCx8u2fFDR2+BHO5KzzP5rXabfbFfgxUV+P2UaVcUob5rgJ84jjXXj/yMZewtQC96fAXlxEw= # ## Derby (Cloudscape) properties required for enabling authentication # derby.drda.startNetworkServer=true derby.connection.requireAuthentication=true derby.authentication.provider=BUILTIN derby.database.defaultConnectionMode=fullAccess # ## Details for starting Cloudscape in network mode. ## Note: If the com.ibm.di.store.hostname is set to localhost then remote connections will not be allowed. ## If it is set to the IP address of the local machine - then remote clients can access this Cloudscape ## instance by mentioning the IP address. The network server can only be started for the local machine. # #com.ibm.di.store.start.mode=automatic com.ibm.di.store.hostname=localhost com.ibm.di.store.port=1527 com.ibm.di.store.sysibm=true # the varchar(length) for the ID columns used in system store and pes connector tables com.ibm.di.store.varchar.length=512 ## create statements for system store tables (CloudScape 5.1) #com.ibm.di.store.create.delta.systable=CREATE TABLE {0} (ID VARCHAR(VARCHAR_LENGTH) NOT NULL, SEQUENCEID int, VERSION int) #com.ibm.di.store.create.delta.store=CREATE TABLE {0} (ID VARCHAR(VARCHAR_LENGTH) NOT NULL, SEQUENCEID int, ENTRY long varbinary ) #com.ibm.di.store.create.property.store=CREATE TABLE {0} (ID VARCHAR(VARCHAR_LENGTH) NOT NULL, ENTRY long varbinary ) #com.ibm.di.store.create.sandbox.store=CREATE TABLE {0} (ID VARCHAR(VARCHAR_LENGTH) NOT NULL, ENTRY long varbinary ) ## create statements for system store tables (CloudScape 10) com.ibm.di.store.create.delta.systable=CREATE TABLE {0} (ID VARCHAR(VARCHAR_LENGTH) NOT NULL, SEQUENCEID int, VERSION int);ALTER TABLE {0} ADD CONSTRAINT IDI_CS_{UNIQUE} PRIMARY KEY (ID) com.ibm.di.store.create.delta.store=CREATE TABLE {0} (ID VARCHAR(VARCHAR_LENGTH) NOT NULL, SEQUENCEID int, ENTRY BLOB );ALTER TABLE {0} ADD CONSTRAINT IDI_DS_{UNIQUE} Primary Key (ID) com.ibm.di.store.create.property.store=CREATE TABLE {0} (ID VARCHAR(VARCHAR_LENGTH) NOT NULL, ENTRY BLOB );ALTER TABLE {0} ADD CONSTRAINT IDI_PS_{UNIQUE} Primary Key (ID) com.ibm.di.store.create.sandbox.store=CREATE TABLE {0} (ID VARCHAR(VARCHAR_LENGTH) NOT NULL, ENTRY BLOB ) com.ibm.di.store.create.recal.conops=CREATE TABLE {0} (METHOD varchar(VARCHAR_LENGTH), RESULT BLOB, ERROR BLOB) ## create statements for system store tables DB2 on z/OS #com.ibm.di.store.create.delta.systable=CREATE TABLESPACE TS1DSYS LOCKSIZE ROW BUFFERPOOL BP32K;CREATE TABLE {0} (ID VARCHAR(VARCHAR_LENGTH) NOT NULL, SEQUENCEID int, VERSION int) IN TS1DSYS;CREATE UNIQUE INDEX DSTIX1 ON {0} (ID ASC);ALTER TABLE {0} ADD CONSTRAINT IDI_DT_{UNIQUE} PRIMARY KEY (ID) #com.ibm.di.store.create.delta.store=CREATE TABLESPACE TS1DST LOCKSIZE ROW BUFFERPOOL BP32K;CREATE TABLE {0} (ID VARCHAR(VARCHAR_LENGTH) NOT NULL, SEQUENCEID int, ENTRY BLOB) IN TS1DST; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX DSIX1 ON {0} (ID ASC); ALTER TABLE {0} ADD CONSTRAINT IDI_DS_{UNIQUE} Primary Key (ID);CREATE LOB TABLESPACE DSENT11 BUFFERPOOL BP32K LOCKSIZE LOB;CREATE AUX TABLE TBDSEN1 IN DSENT11 STORES {0} COLUMN ENTRY;CREATE INDEX IXEN1 ON TBDSEN1 #com.ibm.di.store.create.property.store=CREATE TABLESPACE PS3DST LOCKSIZE ROW BUFFERPOOL BP32K;CREATE TABLE {0} (ID VARCHAR(VARCHAR_LENGTH) NOT NULL, ENTRY BLOB) IN PS3DST;CREATE UNIQUE INDEX PSIX3 ON {0} (ID ASC);ALTER TABLE {0} ADD CONSTRAINT IDI_PS_{UNIQUE} Primary Key (ID);CREATE LOB TABLESPACE PSENT31 BUFFERPOOL BP32K LOCKSIZE LOB;CREATE AUX TABLE TBPSEN3 IN PSENT31 STORES {0} COLUMN ENTRY;CREATE INDEX PSIXEN3 ON TBPSEN3 #com.ibm.di.store.create.sandbox.store=CREATE TABLE {0} (ID VARCHAR(VARCHAR_LENGTH) NOT NULL, ENTRY BLOB) #com.ibm.di.store.create.recal.conops=CREATE TABLESPACE IM{UNIQUE} LOCKSIZE ROW BUFFERPOOL BP32K;CREATE TABLE {0} (METHOD VARCHAR(VARCHAR_LENGTH), RESULT BLOB, ERROR BLOB) IN IM{UNIQUE};CREATE LOB TABLESPACE LB{UNIQUE} BUFFERPOOL BP32K LOCKSIZE LOB;CREATE AUX TABLE AT{UNIQUE} IN LB{UNIQUE} STORES {0} COLUMN RESULT;CREATE INDEX IX{UNIQUE} ON AT{UNIQUE};CREATE LOB TABLESPACE LS{UNIQUE} BUFFERPOOL BP32K LOCKSIZE LOB;CREATE AUX TABLE AE{UNIQUE} IN LS{UNIQUE} STORES {0} COLUMN ERROR;CREATE INDEX IN{UNIQUE} ON AE{UNIQUE} # Set a customized SQL statement for creation of the Tombstone Manager table. Keep the same table and field names. #com.ibm.di.store.create.tombstones=CREATE TABLE IDI_TOMBSTONE ( ID INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, COMPONENT_TYPE_ID INT, EVENT_TYPE_ID INT, START_TIME TIMESTAMP, CREATED_ON TIMESTAMP, COMPONENT_NAME VARCHAR(1024), CONFIGURATION VARCHAR(1024), EXIT_CODE INT, ERROR_DESCR VARCHAR(1024), STATS LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, GUID VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL, USER_MESSAGE VARCHAR(1024), UNIQUE (ID, GUID)) # the ibmsnap_commitseq column name used by the RDBMS changelog connector com.ibm.di.conn.rdbmschlog.cdcolname=ibmsnap_commitseq ## server authentication javax.net.ssl.trustStore=serverapi/testadmin.jks {protect}-javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword={encr}bRSuOgDgyTzdLvQqQssCv8UWBLP/8/bzMl4UEKBPuSNBG3opqmC1JFqecli9RDtfxFEPW0vOwOKMlGOcW6CCDdwaoEVpsGFiK7fnzzDsX0paypPQpclaPNx6EQnDV4piAFVhH+vANvlczx32oZV//vnSkfGsytRZEt5RC+h1mWA= javax.net.ssl.trustStoreType=jks ## client authentication javax.net.ssl.keyStore=serverapi/testadmin.jks {protect}-javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword={encr}ecThVWF1n4qh/tfCA+rZxS7p53usY1ZcQQMwe/FMt8twA6dydw8bBx/24nb+CQe08YvjNcW1rWfQBdZJNOvow/QJzQnz1TrSA0duPLmjT+CPPP1odgXQyD9lGIauAEjXGLKWewOO33kM+aB9EbrW09V1ebkSxBQ7uh+RNa+N4qc= javax.net.ssl.keyStoreType=jks ##PKCS11 options ##Set the value of following properties to use PKCS11 enabled devices to store TDI servers private key / certificate. com.ibm.di.pkcs11cfg=etc/pkcs11.cfg com.ibm.di.server.pkcs11=false com.ibm.di.server.pkcs11.library= com.ibm.di.server.pkcs11.slot= {protect}-com.ibm.di.server.pkcs11.password={encr}DlxL9OYYaqy56uc/oon7CDnLGCeGXlEAwnkZlgVSZbiyn9QuaGruEdlA8YOm9vLHkNiR7ByrZz0CYkhb1qm4MJeBHIW/uD6kQ8s7mmpohG97ZagQ04+ESeK1nII5CmIuc7oI8tLU1wMi2aQEhulfx+VmPFpPX4J4WD9AZlg9gVg= ## Turns on java debug # javax.net.debug=true ## java interpreter override # com.ibm.di.javacmd= # com.ibm.di.installdir= ## Limits the number of threads IDI uses ## Must be set higher than 3 to have any effect # com.ibm.di.server.maxThreadsRunning=500 com.ibm.di.server.securemode=false ## Following properties modified in TDI 7.1 .Added property for ## keystore password and keypassword ## com.ibm.di.server.keystore ## com.ibm.di.server.key.alias api.keystore=testserver.jks api.key.alias=server {protect}-api.keystore.password={encr}NJSgbKIo6iI424EW0dmIBCVAvlJgyojD1Uv7/CiASwY/1k3hxuRDIHFelkslNqbZ2WTPOiU3sqRBSiFHqd1OluBXwkYjJA0vhnBszo5BJqSMZi7MwxauF2wXzzp/SjKFRXcVCMbBk293mu/gjRYFdb8FdI4+he+QL0fuLCgJ1/g= {protect}-api.key.password={encr} ## Encryption properties added in TDI 7.1 com.ibm.di.server.encryption.keystore = testserver.jks com.ibm.di.server.encryption.key.alias = server com.ibm.di.server.encryption.keystoretype = jks com.ibm.di.server.encryption.transformation = RSA ## Touchpoint Server properties tp.server.on=false tp.server.port=1098 tp.server.config=etc/tp.xml tp.server.auth=false tp.server.auth.realm=TDI Touchpoint Server ## Server API properties ## --------------------- api.on=true api.audit.on=false api.user.registry=serverapi/registry.txt api.user.registry.encryption.on=false api.remote.on=true api.remote.ssl.on=true api.remote.ssl.client.auth.on=true api.remote.naming.port=1099 # api.remote.server.ports=8700-8900 api.truststore=testserver.jks {protect}-api.truststore.pass={encr}pFTQ1K7EJ8hAFpm4vZ4W78pGsrzxAOtxJntQlLshRYNaB1s9Ueg3Guh/Zo7ynUtsbhDQ8UHsVRIu+6TxfqX0jZq5RfFGwfnRjQHqQESQwAZR9BwGiJfYjRntsZ9CzFFveL7jTc2Uv5fPcQ/lw/uCAdDRtZnYcb32loN4Um8yxjE= ## The properties determine the default bind address and the remote bind address for the Server API. ## * means bind to all network interfaces. The Remote Bind Address overrides the Default one. ## Only one IP address should be set. No hostnames are accepted. ## Mind that the java.rmi.server.hostname property is set implicitly to equal the Remote Bind Address property when used. ##This will cause the client stubs to create sockets on the specified Remote Bind Address. # com.ibm.di.default.bind.address=* # api.remote.bind.address=* ## Specifies a list of IP addresses to accept non SSL connections from (host names are not accepted). ## Use space, comma or semicolon as delimiter between IP addresses. This property is only taken into account ## when api.remote.ssl.on is set to false. ## api.remote.nonssl.hosts= api.jmx.on=false api.jmx.remote.on=false ## The configuration files placed in this folder can be edited through the Server API. ## Configuration files placed in other folders cannot be edited through the Server API. api.config.folder=configs ## Timeout in minutes for configuration locks. A value of 0 means no timeout. api.config.lock.timeout=0 ## Timeout in minutes for loading a configuration. api.config.load.timeout=2 ## Specifies if the Server API methods for custom method invocation (Session.invokeCustom(...)) are allowed to be used. ## When api.custom.method.invoke.on is set to false and the Server API methods for custom method invocation are used, ## then an exception will be thrown. ## Only classes listed in api.custom.method.invoke.allowed.classes are allowed to be directly invoked. ## The default value is false. api.custom.method.invoke.on=false ## Specifies the list of classes which can be directly invoked by the Server API methods for custom ## method invocation (Session.invokeCustom(...)). ## This property is only taken into account if api.custom.method.invoke.on is set to true. ## The classes in this list must be separated by a space, a comma or a semicolon. ## Example: ## api.custom.method.invoke.allowed.classes=com.ibm.MyClass,com.ibm.MyOtherClass ## In the above example only methods from the com.ibm.MyClass and com.ibm.MyOtherClass classes are ## allowed to be directly invoked. api.custom.method.invoke.allowed.classes= ## Specifies a list of Server notification types, which will be suppressed. ## Notifications of suppressed types will not be propagated by the notifications framework. ## The notification types in the list are separated by spaces. Wildcards may be included. ## Example: ## api.notification.suppress=di.al.* di.ci.start ## The above example will suppress all Assembly Line related notifications as well as ## notifications for starting a configuration instance. ## If the property is missing or is empty, no notifications will be suppressed. api.notification.suppress=di.server.api.authenticate di.server.api.authorize.* ## api.custom.authentication points to a JavaScript text file that contains custom authentication code. ## For example: api.custom.authentication=ldap_auth.js. ## To enable the built-in LDAP Authentication mechanism, set this property to "[ldap]". ## To enable the built-in JAAS Authentication mechanism, set this property to "[jaas]". ## For example: api.custom.authentication=[ldap] ##api.custom.authentication=[ldap] ## LDAP Authnetication properties ## --------------------- ## If this parameter is set to "true" and the LDAP Authnetication initialization fails, the whole Server API will not be started. ## If this parameter is missing or is set to "false" any LDAP Authentication initialization errors will be logged and the Server API will be started. api.custom.authentication.ldap.critical=false ## LDAP Server hostname. api.custom.authentication.ldap.hostname= ## LDAP server port number. For example, 389 for non-SSL or 636 for SSL. api.custom.authentication.ldap.port= ## Specifies whether SSL is used to communicate with the LDAP Server. ## When set to "true" SSL will be used, otherwise SSL will not be used. api.custom.authentication.ldap.ssl= ## Specifies the LDAP directory location where user searches will be preformed. ## When this property is not specified user searches will not be performed. api.custom.authentication.ldap.searchbase= ## Specifies the user id attribute to be used in searches. ## When this property is not specified user searches will not be performed. api.custom.authentication.ldap.userattribute= ## Specifies an LDAP Server administrator distinguished name that will be used for user searches. ## When this property is not specified anonymous bind will be used for user searches. api.custom.authentication.ldap.admindn= ## Password for the LDAP Server administrator distinguished name. {protect}-api.custom.authentication.ldap.adminpassword={encr} ## This property specifies whether LDAP Group authentication is turned on. ## If it is set to 'true', the group membership of the authenticating user will be resolved and will be taken into account during authorization. ## If it is missing, the default value 'false' is used. api.custom.authentication.ldap.groupsupport=false ## Specifies the name of the attribute of a user in LDAP that contains a list of the groups of which the user is a member. ## It is taken into account only if 'api.custom.authentication.ldap.groupsupport' is set to true. api.custom.authentication.ldap.usermembershipattribute= ## Specifies how groups are named in the membership attribute of a user. ## For example, if the user's membership attribute contains values, which correspond to the 'objectSID' attributes of groups, set this property to 'objectSID'. ## If the user's membership attribute contains distinguished names of groups, then set this property to 'dn'. ## The property is required in case 'api.custom.authentication.ldap.groupsupport' is set to true. api.custom.authentication.ldap.usermembershipattributecontent= ## Specifies the name of a group's attribute in LDAP, which corresponds to the way the group is named in the TDI User Registry. ## For example, if LDAP groups are addressed in the TDI registry by their common name, then set this property to 'cn'. ## If the User Registry contains the distinguished names of the groups, then set this property to 'dn'. api.custom.authentication.ldap.groupnameattribute= ## Represents the LDAP directory context, where groups will be searched. ## It is required only when LDAP group support is enabled api.custom.authentication.ldap.groupsearchbase= ## Optional property, which represents a list of space-separated attribute names. Specifies attributes which have non-string syntax. ## api.custom.authentication.ldap.binaryattributes= ## JAAS Authnetication properties ## --------------------- java.security.auth.login.config= ## Enabling/Disabling FIPS Mode in TDI ##------------------------------------ ## If the below property is set to true then TDI will be enforced to run in FIPS Compliant Mode. ## The default value is false, i.e. TDI will not run in FIPS Mode by default. com.ibm.di.server.fipsmode.on=false ## Specify the unique ID for the TDI Server ## ---------------------------------------- ## This property helps a client connecting to the TDI server to identify different servers ## running on the same IP and the same port in different time. (Default is DEFAULT_ID) com.ibm.di.server.id=DEFAULT_ID ## Tombstone Manager properties ## --------------------- com.ibm.di.tm.on=false com.ibm.di.tm.autodel.age=0 com.ibm.di.tm.autodel.records.trigger.on=10000 com.ibm.di.tm.autodel.records.max=5000 com.ibm.di.tm.create.all=false ## ---------------------- ## Help system properties ## ---------------------- ## Name of help server, comment out if we want local help system ## The Tivoli library is at the following URL: ## http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/tiv2help/index.jsp?toc=/com.ibm.IBMDI.doc_7.1/toc.xml com.ibm.di.helpHost=publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v2r1/index.jsp?topic= ## Port for help system com.ibm.di.helpPort=80 ## -------------------------------------------- ## AssemblyLinePool: Connector pooling defaults ## -------------------------------------------- ## ## Note! These settings are only used when an AssemblyLine uses ## an AssemblyLinePool in combination with a Server mode connector. ## The number of seconds before a pooled connector times (e.g. is closed and no longer reused) ## Less than zero means disable connector pooling ## Zero means never timeout ## Greater than zero sets the number of seconds before a connector is closed com.ibm.di.server.connectorpooltimeout=42 ## Comma separated list of connector interfaces that we never pool com.ibm.di.server.connectorpoolexclude=com.ibm.di.connector.FileConnector,com.ibm.di.connector.ScriptConnector ## Properties for Windows IPv6 communications. ## Uncomment these properties for Windows IPv6 communication only. ## These properties will not affect IPv4 communication or IPv6 communication on Unices. #java.net.preferIPv4Stack=false #java.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true ## -------------------------------------------- ## Performance settings ## -------------------------------------------- ## ## Enable/Disable performance logging com.ibm.di.server.perfStats=false ### ------------------------------------------ ### Used by Config Report ###------------------------------------------- ### set this is we want to override the local language for Config Reports # com.ibm.di.admin.configreport.translation=en ##---------------------- ## System Queue settings ##---------------------- ## If set to "true" the System Queue is initialized on startup and can be used; ## otherwise the System Queue is not initialized and cannot be used. systemqueue.on=true ## Specifies the fully qualified name of the class that will be used as a JMS Driver. # systemqueue.jmsdriver.name=com.ibm.di.systemqueue.driver.IBMMQ # systemqueue.jmsdriver.name=com.ibm.di.systemqueue.driver.JMSScriptDriver systemqueue.jmsdriver.name=com.ibm.di.systemqueue.driver.IBMMQe ### MQe JMS driver initialization properties ## Specifies the location of the MQe initialization file. ## This file is used to initialize MQe on TDI server startup. systemqueue.jmsdriver.param.mqe.file.ini=MQePWStore/pwstore_server.ini ### MQ JMS driver initialization properties # systemqueue.jmsdriver.param.jms.broker=<host:port> # systemqueue.jmsdriver.param.jms.serverChannel=<channel_name> # systemqueue.jmsdriver.param.jms.qManager=<queuemanger_name> # systemqueue.jmsdriver.param.jms.sslCipher=<cipherSuite_name> # systemqueue.jmsdriver.param.jms.sslUseFlag=false ### JMS Javascript driver initialization properties ## Specifies the location of the script file # systemqueue.jmsdriver.param.js.jsfile=driver.js ## This is the place to put any JMS provider specific properties needed by a JMS Driver, ## which connects to a 3rd party JMS system. ## All JMS Driver properties should begin with the 'systemqueue.jmsdriver.param.' prefix. ## All properties having this prefix are passes to the JMS Driver on initialization after ## removing the 'systemqueue.jmsdriver.param.' prefix from the property name. # systemqueue.jmsdriver.param.user.param1=value1 # systemqueue.jmsdriver.param.user.param2=value2 # ... ## Credentials used for authenticating to the target JMS system # {protect}-systemqueue.auth.username=<username> # {protect}-systemqueue.auth.password=<password> ## --------------------------------------------- ## Logging settings ## --------------------------------------------- ## When false, all log calls made through the TDI Log class will be discarded. com.ibm.di.logging.enabled=true ## --------------------------------------------- ## IBM JavaScript Engine settings ## --------------------------------------------- ## Set the type of platform - required by the IBM JS Engine when caching is used. com.ibm.commons.platform=com.ibm.commons.platform.GenericPlatform ## ## Set this property to a directory to enable auto dumps of assemblylines that fails ## # com.ibm.tdi.autodump.directory=<dump-directory> ## ## Server API client properties ## api.client.ssl.custom.properties.on=true api.client.keystore=serverapi/testadmin.jks {protect}-api.client.keystore.pass={encr}Me7FGfmxpSeQcKgNsMFI+9kzaVTyF55TiJdJOdU5NkCswcqJNGyoEDChsAJIl7bAXP9HrXJb2W2wJXZAEyvklj2J5Ga9ce1oj2K95LGSyP9OdSAwfG65urlw6hAOSAUnapPaSrc9pplUSizmc4a++zi+qdA6IPIs8FOTSy204PA= api.client.keystore.type=jks {protect}-api.client.key.pass={encr}HIc+A6szZt6kxgiSijuwz2GzKbX7BupznNyL3FRQe1uV32EATE6fK2U5S6eCIGiQ6C9Y5OkJSbJ/zB8FXtslNeanUdVPN9aOkfkg3ocvHiZ7Wo2ZV0EnOYKJWQ9TKFFZfBFpd0bSSW4Rq93PFYr2ppZIPchhNvFEHayrL1lt/qA= api.client.truststore=serverapi/testadmin.jks {protect}-api.client.truststore.pass={encr}kqRR8tqQqcBz+W6O/LnX5dWjD+PkLFa5jKfNlWwsiNU/0obQPU81HAxUS+hXdpSfobv0GCOPKxRrcMQ0dD6eSXAnWBsEcpciNGijDyfyOehd/1QX+WXAK8yAIA87njkUYr0NfQvUwMcGEQFvpZ/AxYuo/uLOOjXd22EBEaVYiGs= api.client.truststore.type=jks