We can also use Expressions directly from JavaScript code. Here is an example that builds an Expression using the new ParameterSubstitution class:
var ps = new com.ibm.di.util.ParameterSubstitution("{work.FullName} -> {work.uid}"); map = new java.util.HashMap(); map.put("mc", main.getMetamergeConfig()); map.put("work", work); task.logmsg(ps.substitute(map));The expression that results from the JavaScript code issues the following log messages when run for several iterations in the test AssemblyLine:
14:35:29 Patty S Duggan -> duggan 14:35:29 Nicholas P Butler -> butler 14:35:29 Henri T Deutch -> deutch 14:35:29 Ivan L Rodriguez -> rodriguez 14:35:29 Akhbar S Kahn -> sahmad 14:35:29 Manoj M Gupta -> gupta
Parent topic: Expressions