The Tivoli Directory Integrator Configuration Editor includes the Eclipse plug-ins that enable sharing of projects between users using a source code control repository.
The V7.1 release of Tivoli Directory Integrator includes CVS libraries that support pserver, pserverssh2, ext and extssh type connections. For more in depth information about the eclipse CVS plugins consult the Eclipse CVS site at
In order to use the team sharing facilities we need access to a CVS repository. CVS repositories can be hosted by most operating systems and binary packages are commonly available on the net. The Eclipse CVS site has an FAQ that will help you with many common problems you may run into.
For help with installing and configuring a CVS server consult the CVS wiki site at Searching the web for “how to install a cvs server” will also bring up a host of web sites that will describe in detail how to install and configure a CVS repository on a variety of operating systems and platforms.
Parent topic: The User Interface