SQL Server
To log on to a database host, open Microsoft SQL Server Management studio...
Windows Start button | Run | ssms.exe
In the Connect to Server dialog box, verify the default settings, and then click Connect.
Server name is the name of the computer where SQL Server is installed. You can determine server name from portal data source config. For example...
If you are using WebSphere Portal, DB User ID and password can sometimes be found in...
If the Database Engine is a named instance, the Server name box should also contain the instance name in the format <computer_name>\<instance_name>.
Transaction log size
Before doing portal database transfer, increase DB transaction log size. Backup the transaction log before doing this step.
Failed to update database...because the database is read-only.
Doing upgrade of portal, running into error...
Failed to update database...because the database is read-only.
In this case, the error is thrown because the database is in passive mode. To hit the database in active mode, use the DB listener name, instead of a specific DB server. For example, with preprod, edit wkplc_dbdomain.properties and replace...