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Upgrading and migrating password synchronization plug-ins

You must save the existing configuration files of the password synchronization plug-ins before you install the new version.

About this task

An upgrade or migration of the existing plug-in configuration files is not possible. You must uninstall the existing version and install the newer version of password synchronization plug-ins.


  1. Save the following existing configuration files:

    • Windows Password Synchronizer registry entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\<previous Security Directory Integrator version >\Windows Password Synchronizer
    • Password Store configuration files. For example, mqepwstore.props or idipwstore.props
    • The WebSphere® MQ Everyplace® Password Store configuration file. For example, mqeconfig.props

  2. Uninstall the existing version.

    1. Go to the SDI password synchronization plug-ins _uninst directory.
    2. Run the uninstaller.
      Platform Executable
      Windows uninstall.exe
      All other platforms uninstall.bin
    3. Restart the system.

  3. Install the new version of password synchronization plug-ins.
  4. Restore the configuration files from Step 1.

Parent topic:

Installation of password synchronization plug-ins