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Deploy on a Domino domain with multiple Domino Servers

On multiple Domino® Servers, the Password Synchronizer is installed on all the Domino Servers, which is a Primary Domino Directory Server in the Domino domain.

About this task

The Password Synchronizer is not installed on the Domino Servers that are configuration only Directory Servers.


  1. On the Primary Domino Directory Server, which is the Administration Server for the Domino Directory, run full installation of the Password Synchronizer. For installation instructions, see Deployment on a single Domino Server.
  2. For all the other Primary Domino Directory Servers, run the following steps:

    1. Run the Password Synchronizer installer to install the necessary files.
    2. Force replication with the first Primary Domino Directory Server where a full setup is run:

      1. From the Lotus® Domino Administrator, click the Server tab.
      2. Select Status.
      3. In the right panel, select Server > Replicate.
      4. In the Which server do you want to replicate with? field, enter the name of the first Primary Domino Directory Server where a full setup is run.
      5. Click Replicate.
      6. Click Done.

    3. For this step and the following setup instructions, see the setup steps from the Deployment on a single Domino Server topic:

      Skip steps 1, 2, 3 and 6. The Domino Directory replication propagates the design updates from the first Primary Domino Directory Server where a full setup is run.

    4. Skip steps 4 and 7. The IDIPWSyncAdminRequestAgent is triggered only on the Administration Server for the Domino Directory.
    5. Run step 8, but skip the creation of a secret key step. Use the secret key that is created when you set up the Password Synchronizer on the first Primary Domino Directory Server.
    6. Run steps 9, 10, and 11.
    7. Skip step 12.
    8. Run step 13, but skip the creation of the IDIPWSync group step.
    9. Run step 14.

Parent topic:

Domino HTTP Password Synchronizer