Run AssemblyLine window
When you run the AssemblyLine you will get a window with the log output shown.
Console log
In this screen we can also stop a running AssemblyLine and restart it after it has terminated. Note: Stopping an AssemblyLine means that the Config Editor sends a stop notification to the Config Instance (usually the default local Server) that is running the AL; it does not immediately kill the thread, but stops execution as soon as the server regains control. This differs from previous versions where pressing the Stop button would cause the entire server process that was running the AssemblyLine to be killed. The two other buttons are to clear the log window and open the log file in a separate editor window. The log window only shows the last few hundred lines to avoid out-of-memory problems.
The log is written to a temporary file with a prefix of "tdi_ce_al_log" and an extension ".log". The file is placed in the platform specific temporary directory, which is often defined by the TEMP/TMP environment variable. The log file is automatically deleted when you close the Run AssemblyLine window, but in case the application or machine crashes you may have to manually remove these log files. The editor to use for this file defaults to the simple text editor, but can be changed by mapping the ".log" extension to a different editor (including external editors). Use the Windows > Preferences menu option to open the following dialog:
Configuration Editor File associations preferences
Here we can add the “.log” extension and associate it with an editor.
Parent topic:
The AssemblyLine Editor