WebSphere Portal, Express Beta Version 6.1
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows


Displaying search results

You use a search element stored in search component to create the design of the search results.


Using a search component

  1. Click New->Component->Search to create a new search component.
  2. Enter identification information.
  3. Select a search collection to use.
  4. To page the search result:

  5. Select how the search results should be sorted.
  6. Define the design of the search results using HTML and text.

  7. Set access properties.
  8. Click Save and close.


Search element design example for use in a Web site

In this example, a table is used to layout the search results.


The attributes to display in each search result are defined here.

    <attributeResource attributeName="namelink"/><br>
    <attributeResource attributeName="summary"/>

A separator can be used to delineate each search result.

<tr> <td  bgcolor="#FFFAA" colspan="2"/>  </tr>

A page navigation element stored in a component is referenced here to add page navigation to the search results.

        <component name="pagenavigationcomponent"/>
No results There are no results for your query. Please refine your search and try again.


Search element design example for use in a rendering portlet

In this example, a table is used to layout the search results.


The attributes to display in each search result are defined here.

When displaying search results in a rendering portlet specify the page that the linked content will be displayed in when opened.

A URL map to the portal page that contains the rendering portlet is required.

<AttributeResource attributeName="url" />">
<AttributeResource attributeName="title" /></a>
<attributeResource attributeName="summary"/>

A separator can be used to delineate each search result.

<tr> <td  bgcolor="#FFFAA" colspan="2"/>  </tr>

A page navigation element stored in a component is referenced here to add page navigation to the search results.

        <component name="pagenavigationcomponent"/>
No results There are no results for your query. Please refine your search and try again.


Search parameters

The following parameters can be used to display data in a search result design using an attribute resource tag:
<attributeResource attributeName="parameter" separator=" " format=" "/>

attributeName=authoringtemplate The name of the authoring template, if available, that was used to create the content item.
attributeName=author The name or names of the authors of the content item, if any are defined. If there is more than one author, then they will be rendered with the string specified in the optional separator attribute between each value.
attributeName=category The categories of the content item if any are defined. If there is more than one category, then they will be rendered with the string specified in the optional separator attribute between each value.
attributeName=contentid The id of the content item.
attributeName=contentpath The path excluding the server address, port or servlet context (/wps/wcm) for this search result.
attributeName=date The value of the date field from the SIAPI result. The format of the date can be specified by using the optional format attribute. See the Javadoc HTML documentation for SimpleDateFormat in the Java SDK for details.
attributeName=description The description of the content item.
attributeName=effectivedate The effective date of the content item. The format of the date can be specified by using the optional format attribute. See the Javadoc HTML documentation for SimpleDateFormat in the Java SDK for details.
attributeName=expirationdate The expiration date of the content item. The format of the date can be specified by using the optional format attribute. See the Javadoc HTML documentation for SimpleDateFormat in the Java SDK for details.
attributeName=keywords The keywords of the content item if any are defined. If there is more than one keyword, then they will be rendered with the string specified in the optional separator attribute between each value.
attributeName=lastmodifieddate The last modified date of the content item. The format of the date can be specified by using the optional format attribute. See the Javadoc HTML documentation for SimpleDateFormat in the Java SDK for details.
attributeName=modifier The name of the last person to modify the content item.
attributeName=name The name of the content item.
attributeName=namelink This assembles a complete link based on the name of the item being returned.
attributeName=owner The name or names of the owners of the content item, if any are defined. If there is more than one author, then they will be rendered with the string specified in the optional separator attribute between each value.
attributeName=parentcontentpath This is used to return the content path excluding the server address, port or Servlet context for the parent content item of this search result. For example: /wps/wcm

This parameter is valid when the search results include a link to a file resource element in the parent content item and is used to give context to the attached file. When the search result is not for an attached file in a file resource element, this value will be an empty string.

attributeName=relevance The relevance “score” for this search result from the search engine.
attributeName=summary The summary of the content item as generated by Portal Search.
attributeName=title This is the title of a content item.
attributeName=titlelink This assembles a complete link based on the title of the item being returned.
attributeName=url Displays the URL of a content item.
separator=" " Enter text or code to be used to separate multiple search results. For example: separator=" - "
format=" " The format of date parameters can be set using this parameter. See the Javadoc HTML documentation for SimpleDateFormat in the Java SDK for details.
Parent topic: Creating a search form Related concepts
Page navigation element Related tasks
Entering identification information Granting users or groups access to an item
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