WebSphere Portal, Express Beta Version 6.1
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows


Creating Web sites for different localities

Although Web sites that automatically display content for different localities or languages are not directly supported by Web Content Management, it is possible to maintain separate libraries and sites within IBM® Lotus Web Content Management™ for different localities.


Creating libraries, sites and search collections for different localities

When creating a multi-locale solution, it is recommended that you do the following:

Note: If a language does not exist in the list of languages available when creating a library, you can add that language to the list of supported WebSphere Portal languages. See Language Support in the WebSphere Portal information center for further information.


Naming consistency

It is recommended that the same names are given to corresponding items in each library. This will simplify the navigation between localities as only the library name will be different in URLs pointing to the same content in different localities.

For example, only the library name will be different for content displayed in French and German localities:


Maintaining content in different localities

At present, Web Content Management does not manage the synchronization of content between localities.

A workflow can be used to assist with the synchronization of content between localities by using the joint approval feature. You can add a stage to a workflow that would require joint approval from a member in a group representing each locality. You would configure this stage to send an e-mail to notify each joint-approver that an item has been updated. Each joint-approver would not approve the item until they had updated the same item in their locality to match the changes in the primary locality.

Parent topic: portlets.">Developing a Web content system
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