Portal, Express Beta Version 6.1
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows |
You can format an authoring tool element's look and feel in different ways, including displaying authoring tools as text based links, or image based links.
You use placeholder tags to display authoring tools. You can only use these placeholder tags in authoring tool designs:
<a href="<Placeholder tag="href"/>" target="_blank"> <Placeholder tag="name"/></a>
<a href="<Placeholder tag="href"/>" target="_blank"> <Placeholder tag="name"/></a>
<a href="<Placeholder tag="href"/>" target="_blank"> <Placeholder tag="name"/></a>
<a href="<Placeholder tag="href"/>" target="_blank"> <Placeholder tag="name"/></a>
<a href="<Placeholder tag="href"/>" target="_blank"> <Placeholder tag="name"/></a>
<a href="<Placeholder tag="href"/>" target="_blank"> <Placeholder tag="name"/></a>
<a href="<Placeholder tag="href"/>" target="_blank"> <component name="new-image" /></a>
<a href="<Placeholder tag="href"/>" target="_blank"> <component name="read-image" /></a>
<a href="<Placeholder tag="href"/>" target="_blank"> <component name="edit-image" /></a>
<a href="<Placeholder tag="href"/>" target="_blank"> <<component name="delete-image" /></a>
<a href="<Placeholder tag="href"/>" target="_blank"> <component name="approve-image" /></a>
<a href="<Placeholder tag="href"/>" target="_blank"> <component name="reject-image" /></a>