WebSphere Portal, Express Beta Version 6.1
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows


Configuring eTrust SiteMinder to perform authentication

IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express includes a configuration task called enable-sm-tai. This task interacts with IBM WebSphere Application Server security configuration to enable the eTrust SiteMinder TAI and to create it as one of the interceptors. You can configure eTrust SiteMinder to provide authentication independently from configuring it to provide authorization. Using it to perform authorization only is not supported at this time.

Install Computer Associates eTrust SiteMinder Trust Association Interceptor (TAI) distribution on the same machine as WebSphere Portal Express.Important: If you have completed the TAI installation and configuration instructions included with the Computer Associates eTrust SiteMinder distribution, including registering the TAI with WebSphere Application Server, execution of this configuration task is not required. Perform the following steps to enable the eTrust SiteMinder TAI and create a new interceptor:

  1. Use a text editor to open the wkplc_comp.properties file, located in the following directory:

    Option Description
    Windows wp_profile\ConfigEngine
    Linux wp_profile/ConfigEngine
    i5/OS profiles/wp_profile/ConfigEngine
  2. For wp.ac.impl.SMConfigFile, type the directory path to the eTrust SiteMinder TAI file. The default value is e:/netegrity6/smwastai/conf/TAI filename.
  3. Save your changes to the wkplc_comp.properties file.
  4. Run the following task to enable eTrust SiteMinder TAI:

    Option Description
    Windows ConfigEngine.bat enable-sm-tai from the wp_profile\ConfigEngine directory
    Linux ./ConfigEngine.sh enable-sm-tai from the wp_profile/ConfigEngine directory
    i5/OS ConfigEngine.sh -profileName profile_root enable-sm-tai from the profiles/wp_profile/ConfigEngine directory, , where profile_root is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile where WebSphere Portal Express is installed.
    Note: If the configuration task fails, validate the values in the wkplc_comp.properties file.
  5. Go to the Verifying Trust Association Interceptors file to verify that the TAI is working properly.
  6. Optional: Disable the creation of user and groups.
By default, the XML configuration interface cannot access the portal through eTrust SiteMinder. To enable the XML configuration interface to access the portal through eTrust SiteMinder, use eTrust SiteMinder to define the configuration URL (/wps/config) as unprotected. Refer to the eTrust SiteMinder documentation for specific instructions. After the configuration URL is defined as unprotected, only WebSphere Portal Express enforces access control to this URL. Other portal resources, such as the /wps/myportal URL, are still protected by eTrust SiteMinder. Parent topic: Configuring eTrust SiteMinder
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