![]() Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows |
The following tables are used by the Feedback schema:
Table description: This table contains the client Web browser defined internally by a User Agent mapping.
Column Name | Column description |
Browser_ID | The primary key. A unique number automatically generated by the database. |
Name | The browser name defined internally by a User Agent mapping. |
Table description: Initially, this table is empty. The Feedback component calculates date stamp IDs, assuming a start date of 1/1/1995. The table can be populated with a new configuration task for applications that use custom logging or reports that reference this table.
Column Name | Column description |
Date_ID | The primary key. A unique identifier automatically generated by the database. |
Month | Month expressed as integer 1-12 |
Day | Day expressed as integer 1-31 |
Year | Year expressed as integer 1995-2030 |
Quarter | Quarter expressed as integer 1-4 |
Weekday | Weekday expressed as integer 1-7 |
WeekOfYear | The week number expressed as an integer 1-52 |
EpochDay | The number of days since the beginning date in this table. |
EpochWeek | The number of weeks since the beginning date in this table. |
EpochMonth | The number of months since the beginning date in this table. |
EpochQuarter | The number of quarters since the beginning date in this table. |
AggrWeekID | The identifier of the first day of the week that this day belongs to. |
AggrMonthID | The identifier of the first day of the month that this day belongs to. |
AggrQuarterID | The identifier of the first day of the quarter that this day belongs to. |
AggrYearID | The identifier of the first day of the year that this day belongs to. |
Table description: This table is RESERVED for future Feedback component use.
Column Name | Column Description |
Domain_ID | The primary key; a unique identifier automatically generated by the database. |
Name | The domain name as resolved from the TCP/IP address. |
Table description: This table is RESERVED for Feedback component use.
Column Name | Column Description |
Entity_ID | The primary key; a unique identifier automatically generated by the database. |
Name | The name of the entity. |
Type | Indicates the type of entity: 0=entity 1=category 2=key/value pair |
ParentEntity_ID | For a category entity, indicates the entity the category is based on. |
Table description: This table is RESERVED for IBM Feedback component use.
Column Name | Column Description |
EntityTraversal_ID | The primary key. A unique identifier automatically generated by the database. |
Entity_ID | The identifier of the entity we start from. |
Table1 | The table this entity is stored in. |
Column1 | ID column for this entity. |
Table2 | The table of the parent entity. |
Column2 | Join column between entity and parent entity table. |
PickThis | RESERVED for IBM Feedback component use. |
Table description: This table contains the information processed during data collection. Each row represents a hit to a page of your Web site--if that page contains a rule or logging bean. Not all fields are used on each entry.
Note: The first date stamp (date ID=1) corresponds to 1/1/1995. Time stamp IDs are calculated such that each second of the day has a separate ID.Column Name | Column Description |
JS_ID | A foreign key to the JavaScriptStatus table. |
CookiesStatus_ID | A foreign key to the CookiesStatus table. |
Hits | The actual number of hits. |
Status_ID | A foreign key to the ResetStatus table. |
ReturnCode_ID | A foreign key to the ReturnCodes table. |
HTTPVersion_ID | A foreign key to the HTTPVersion table. |
RecordType | Indicates what type of log file this hit came from. This field is for Feedback component use only. |
LastUpdated | Time stamp of when this row was last created / updated. |
PageViews | The actual number of page views. If the resource for this hit is a page, this field is set to 1. |
TimeTaken | Time taken by the Web server to process this hit. This column is not implemented and is RESERVED for future Feedback component use. |
Bytes | The number of bytes sent by the Web server to the client browser for this hit. |
CorrelationKey | The key used to correlate information between the various types of logs that can be processed during data collection. |
Session_ID | The identifier of the session this hit belongs to. A foreign key to the Session_Facts table. |
HitTimestmp | Time stamp of this hit expressed as a Java timeInMillis value. |
LocalDate_ID | The date of this hit. The first date stamp (date ID=1) corresponds to 1/1/1995. See also, Populating CALENDAR and TIMEOFDAY tables. |
ImportHistory_ID | Not implemented. This field is RESERVED for future Feedback component use. |
Hit_ID | The primary key. A unique identifier automatically generated by the database. |
RefProtocol_ID | Protocol that the referrer used to request this hit. A foreign key to the Protocols table. |
Referrer_ID | The referrer for this hit. A foreign key to the Referrer table. |
Protocol_ID | The protocol the Web server used to process this hit. A foreign key to the Protocols table. |
LocalTimeOfDay_ID | The time of this hit. See also, Populating CALENDAR and TIMEOFDAY tables. |
GMTDate_ID | The GMT date of this hit. See also, Populating CALENDAR and TIMEOFDAY tables. |
Resource_ID | The resource requested by the client browser. A foreign key to the Resources table. |
GMTTimeOfDay_ID | The GMT date of this hit. See also, Populating CALENDAR and TIMEOFDAY tables. |
Resource_ID | The resource requested by the client browser. A foreign key to the Resources table. |
GMTTimeOfDay_ID | The GMT time of this hit. See also, Populating CALENDAR and TIMEOFDAY tables. |
Table description: This table lists the personalization data (such as rules, campaigns, ratings), as well as query strings associated with a given hit.
Column Name | Column Description |
Hit_ID | The identifier of the Hit that contains the query string. This is a foreign key to the ID column of the Hit_facts table. |
Parms_ID | The identifier for a specific query string. This is a foreign key to the ID column of the Parms table. |
Ordering | Ordering is used to group a set of keys during the processing of a Web page. |
ParmType | Identifies the type of key value data. For example, personalization rules data, query strings, or referral query status. |
Table description: This table lists all known HTTP versions. It is pre-populated by the Feedback component when the table is created.
Column Name | Column Description |
HTTPVersion_ID | 1 - 'HTTP 1.0' 2 - 'HTTP 1.1' 99 - 'Unknown' |
Name | The name of the HTTP version. |
Table description: This table is RESERVED for future Feedback component use
Column Name | Column Description |
ImportHistory_ID | The primary key. A unique number automatically generated by the database. |
BeginTimeStamp | Start time of the import, expressed as a JAVA timeInMillis value. |
EndTimeStamp | Time the import finished, expressed as a JAVA timeInMillis value. |
Status | The status of the import. |
Table description: Lists all Keys (part of Key/Value pairs) encountered during data collection.
Column Name | Column Description |
Key_ID | The primary key. A unique identifier automatically generated by the database. |
Name | the name of the key. |
Table description: This table lists all Key/Value pairs that are grouped together.
Column Name | Column Description |
Parms_ID | A foreign key to the Parms table. |
KeyValuePair_ID | A foreign key to the Key_Value_Pair table. |
Table description: This table lists all Key/Value pairs processed during data collection.
Column Name | Column Description |
KeyValuePair_ID | The primary key. A unique identifier generated automatically by the database. |
Key_ID | A foreign key to the Key table. |
Value_ID | A foreign key to the Value table. |
Table description: This table contains all the TCP/IP addresses processed during data collection.
Column Name | Column Description |
Network_ID | The primary key; a unique number automatically generated by the database. |
IP_Address | TCP/IP address as obtained from the page hit. |
Subdomain_ID | The TCP/IP subdomain this address belongs to. A foreign key to the ID column of the Subdomains table. |
Domain_ID | The TCP/IP domain this address belongs to. A foreign key to the ID column of the Domain table. |
Table description: This table lists all the key/value pairs strings processed during data collection.
Column Name | Column Description |
KVCount | Indicates how many key/value pairs are in this query string. |
ParmsString | This field is not used. |
WebNode_ID | This field is not used. |
Parms_ID | A unique identifier automatically generated by the database. |
Table description: This table contains the client operating system defined internally by a User Agent mapping.
Column Name | Column Description |
Platform_ID | The primary key. A unique number automatically generated by the database. |
Name | The Operating System name as defined via the User Agent global settings. |
Table description: Lists all network protocols processed during data collection.
Column Name | Column Description |
Protocol_ID | The primary key. A unique identifier generated automatically by the database. |
Name | The name of the network protocol. |
Column Name | Column Description |
Referrer_ID | The primary key. A unique number automatically generated by the database. |
RefHost_ID | A foreign key to the ID column of the REFERRERHOST table. |
ReferrerURL_ID | A foreign key to the ID column of the REFERRERURL table. |
Table description: This table stores all the referrer site host names processed during data collection.
Column Name | Column Description |
RefHost_ID | The primary key. A unique number automatically generated by the database. |
IsLocal | Indicates whether this referrer is internal or external. 0 - external referrer 1 - internal referrer |
Name | Host name part of referrer as parsed from the Web log record. |
Table description: This table contains the referrer pages processed during data collection. Note that the referrer site's host name is stored in the ReferrerHost table.
Column Name | Column Description |
ReferrerURL_ID | The primary key. A unique number automatically generated by the database. |
Name | The name of the referrer page as parsed from the Web log record. |
Table description: This table contains all resources (URLs) processed during data collection.
Column Name | Column Description |
Resource_ID | The primary key. A unique number automatically generated by the database. IsPage Indicates whether this resource is a page. 0 = false 1 = true |
IsImage | Indicates whether this resource is an image. 0=false 1=true |
IsDirectory | Indicates whether this resources is a file directory. This column is not currently implemented and is RESERVED for future Feedback component use. |
Name | The resource string as parsed from the Web log record. |
Column Name | Column Description |
firstHitTimestmp | Timestamp of the first hit in session expressed as a JAVA timeInMillis value. |
lastHitTimestmp | Timestamp of the last hit in the session expressed as a JAVA timeInMillis value. |
Result_ID | Foreign key to the ID column of the RESULT table. For your use in classifying this session. |
User_ID | The visitor to your site. A foreign key to the Users table. |
Referrer_ID | The referrer for this session. A foreign key to the Referrer table. |
Sessions | The actual number of sessions. This field will always contain the value. It is used during Report Database processing. |
LastUpdated | Timestamp of when this row was last created/updated. |
PageViews | Number of page views that are part of this session. |
Duration | Duration of the session up to the last hit. The Feedback component cannot calculate the full duration of the session because there is no explicit end-of-session signal from the Web log. |
Hits | Number of hits that are part of this session. |
SessionIdentifier | The session identifier string from the Web log. This is sometimes referred to as a session cookie. |
SessionTimestmp | Beginning of this session expressed as a JAVA timeInMillis value. |
LocalDate_ID | This is the starting date of the session in the local time zone of the Web server that handled this session. See also, Populating CALENDAR and TIMEOFDAY tables. |
LocalTimeOfDay_ID | This is the start time of the session in the local time zone of the Web server which handled this session. See also, Populating CALENDAR and TIMEOFDAY tables. |
ImportHistory_ID | This column is not used. |
Session_ID | The primary key; a unique number automatically generated by the database. |
UserAgent_ID | The signature of the Web browser used for this session. |
EntryResource_ID | The first resource viewed during this session. |
Network_ID | Pointer to the Networks table. |
GMTDate_ID | This is the start date of the session translated to the GMT time zone. See also, Populating CALENDAR and TIMEOFDAY tables. |
ExitResource_ID | The last resource viewed during this session. |
GMTTimeOfDay_ID | This is the start time of the session translated to the GMT time zone. See also, Populating CALENDAR and TIMEOFDAY tables. |
Table description: For your use in classifying sessions.
Column Name | Column Description |
Result_ID | The primary key. We recommend that you use numbers automatically generated by the database. In DB2/UDB, this column is defined as IDENTITY GENERATED BY DEFAULT. On ORACLE, the sequence RESULT_ID is created for your use with this table. |
Name | For your use. |
Table description: This table lists all the Key/Value pairs associated with the session referrer.
Column Name | Column Description |
Parms_ID | Foreign key to the ID column of the PARMS table. |
Session_ID | Foreign key to the ID column of the SESSION_FACT table. |
ParmType | Identifies the type of Key/Value data. |
Table description: This table is RESERVED for future Feedback component use.
Column Name | Column Description |
Domain_ID | Foreign key to the ID column of the DOMAIN table. The TCP/IP domain this subdomain belongs to. Name Subdomain name string from a resolved TCP/IP address. |
Subdomain_ID | The primary key, a unique number automatically generated by the database. |
Column Name | Column Description |
Minute | a number in the range 0..59 |
Hour | a number in the range 0..23 |
Second | a number in the range 0..59 |
AggrHourID | For each database row, indicates which hour it belongs to. |
TimeOfDay_ID | The primary key. A unique number automatically generated by the database. |
SecondsSinceMidnig | The number of seconds elapsed since midnight. |
TimeSpan_ID | Foreign key to the ID column of the TIMESPAN table. |
Table description: For your use in classifying time of day values.
Column Name | Column Description |
TimeSpan_ID | The primary key. We recommend that you use numbers automatically generated by the database. In DB2/UDB, this column is defined as IDENTITY GENERATED BY DEFAULT. On ORACLE, the sequence TIMESPAN_ID is created for your use with this table. |
Name | For your use. |
Table description: This table contains all UserAgents processed during data collection.
Column Name | Column Description |
Browser_ID | Foreign key to the ID column of the BROWSERS table. |
Name | The UserAgent string as available from the Web page hit. |
Platform_ID | Foreign key to the ID column of the PLATFORMS table. |
UserAgent_ID | The primary key. A unique number automatically generated by the database. |
Table description: This table contains all userids processed from data collection.
Column Name | Column Description |
FirstVisitDate_ID | Date of first visit to the site by this userid. See also, Populating CALENDAR and TIMEOFDAY tables. |
Name | The userid string as parsed from the Web log record. |
User_ID | The primary key. A unique number automatically generated by the database. |
Table description: Lists all values (from Key/Value pairs ) encountered during data collection.
Column Name | Column Description |
Value_ID | A unique identifier automatically generated by the database. |
Value | Value string of Key/Value pair parsed from a Web log record. |
The following tables are included in the Feedback schema, however, the tables are not used and are not populated.