Count of (quantifiable conditions)
In the Specify a Resource Attribute drop down, you have the option to select Use
Number of Items in List. Selecting this option allows
you to create an evaluation based on a count or tally of attributes that meet
your criteria. When you select this option, select a resource and
the attribute of that resource that are to be tallied when the rule executes.Note: This
option can only be used in profiler and visibility rules.
Because the tally is made at the time the rule is triggered, it could produce
different results at different times during the session if used on an application
object or a current resource. For example, you might profile a visitor's color
preference as red by creating an evaluation that checks to see if the number
of red items in the user's shopping cart is greater than 5. The rule syntax
for this evaluation could be: Count of (shoppingCart.item.color equals red) is greater than 5
Although you can make counts of any data type, the tally must be compared
against a value or resource attribute that has a data type of number, decimal
number, or integer.
Parent topic: Rule elements