![]() Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows |
Use IBM® Lotus Web Content Management™, Document Manager and Portal Personalization to create and manage content for your Portal or Web site. You use these applications separately, or together as an integrated content solution for your portal or Web site.
Document Manager provides an efficient, centralized repository for your documents. IBM WebSphere® Portal Express includes the Document Libraries administrative portlet and Document Manager, powerful tools that you can use to manage your documents and other content. The Manage Document Libraries portlet allows administrators to perform management tasks. The Document Manager portlet application allows users to contribute and share documents, and it provides users a simple method for creating, storing, navigating, viewing, and searching documents and other content. Depending on how the administrator configures the Document Manager instance, users can work with their own editing applications to create and edit word documents, presentations, and spreadsheets.
Document Manager helps users organize the content they have seen, want to read, or want to share. Users can create and edit documents without having to be logged in to WebSphere Portal Express. Users can then upload the documents to Document Manager, which allows other authorized users to work with the documents. Documents are organized into folder hierarchies. Document Manager maintains properties and attributes of documents, handles conversion of documents to other formats, and serves as an organized repository for documents of any format. You can search documents that are maintained in Document Manager by using the Document Manager search feature. Authorized users can control document modifications through versioning and a draft approval process.
Personalization includes two personalization technologies to dynamically tailor content to meet the needs of different users and groups. These technologies include rules-based filtering to display selected content to targeted users and matching techniques that extract visitor behavior and tailor the content within individual portlets based on that behavior. This technology creates a customized user experience for improved employee productivity and more effective consumer messaging.
To augment the personalization features, Personalization provides Attribute Based Administration and Visibility Rules. Attribute Based Administration provides a facility to customize the layout of a page for individual users by using rules to show or hide pages or portlets. This implementation tells the portal to show or hide pages and portlets based on dynamic characteristics that are determined at runtime. Visibility rules determine what a user will see, or what has been targeted towards a user. These can be used to further tailor content to targeted users by determining what pages and portlets are available.
You use Web Content Management to create and manage Web content for internet, intranet, extranet and portal sites. You also use Web Content Management to present Web content to users in a portlet or Web site, including content managed by Document Manager or generated by Personalization.
You create the design of Web pages separately from the content of Web pages allowing different users with different skills to work independently. The structure of your Web site, and the links between the pages in a site, are automatically generated by Web Content Management based on the profile of each content item. You use the access control and workflow features of Web Content Management to control the creation and approval process of Web content.
Parent topic: Key features