WebSphere Portal, Express Beta Version 6.1
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows


Configuring the primary node to communicate with the deployment manager on Windows

After installing IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment and installing IBM WebSphere Portal Express on the primary node, configure the primary node and the deployment manager to use the database and the user registry and to communicate with each other.

Perform the follow steps to configure WebSphere Portal Express and WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment:

  1. Verify that the following properties are set in the wkplc.properties file, located in the wp_profile\ConfigEngine\properties directory of the primary node:

    1. Verify that WasPassword is set to your WebSphere Application Server password.
    2. Verify that PortalAdminPwd is set to your WebSphere Portal Express password.
    3. Verify that WasRemoteHostName is set to the fully qualified hostname of the deployment manager.
    4. Verify that WasSoapPort is set to 8879.
    5. Verify that LTPAPassword is set to your LTPA password.
    6. Verify that PrimaryNode is set to true.
    7. Verify that ClusterName is set to PortalCluster.
  2. Set all database user ID and password properties in the wkplc_comp.properties file, located in the wp_profile\ConfigEngine\properties directory of the primary node.
  3. Manually copy the following two files from the primary node to the deployment manager:

    From the Primary node directory To the deployment manager directory
    ConfigEngine\was\config\repository\metadata_wkplc.xml profile directory, for example: profiles\DMgr01\config\.repository
    ConfigEngine\lib\wkplc.comp.registry.jar AppServer\lib
Parent topic: Preparing the primary node on Windows Previous topic: Configuring WebSphere Portal Express to use a user registry on Windows
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