Preparing a Domino
Directory server
on i5/OS
If you plan to use a Domino
Directory as
an LDAP user registry, install and set up the server so that it will
communicate with IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express.
the following steps to prepare Domino
- Perform the following steps to install the Domino
- Go to Lotus Domino documentation.
- Select the appropriate version tab for your product.
- Click the Download/View online link for
Installing and Managing Domino for System i.
- Perform the tasks under Chapter 3 Installing Domino
on your system.
- Perform the tasks under Chapter 6 Setting up a First
Domino server.
- Perform the tasks under Chapter 8 Setting up an Additional
Domino server.
- Perform the following steps as a guide to create
the WebSphere Portal Express administrative user:
- Navigate to the People view of the Domino
Directory and then click Add
- Enter the following values in the New Person form
to create the wpsbind user:
- Last Name
- wpsbind
- User Name
- wpsbind/DominoDomain, where DominoDomain is
your Lotus Domino Internet domainNote: Make
sure you enter two values in the User Name field, where the first value includes
the Lotus Domino domain.
- Short name/UserID
- wpsbind
- Internet password
- wpsbind
- Click Save and Close to save the new
person record for wpsbind and return to the People view.
- Click Add Person and enter the following
values in the New Person form to create the wpsadmin
- Last Name
- wpsadmin, where wpsadmin in the user ID for the WebSphere Portal Express Administrator
- User Name
- wpsadmin/DominoDomain, where DominoDomain is
your Lotus Domino Internet domainNote: Make
sure you enter two values in the User Name field, where the first value includes
the Lotus Domino domain.
- Short name/UserID
- wpsadmin
- Internet password
- wpsadmin
- Click Save and Close to save the new
person record for wpsadmin and return to the People view.
- Navigate to the Groups view and click Add
- Enter the following values in the New Group form
on the Basic tab.
- Group name
- wpsadmins
- Group type
- Multi-purpose
- Members
- wpsbind wpsadminNote: You
can add additional administrator users if required.
- Click Save and Close to save the wpsadmins
group with the wpsbind and wpsadmin users as members.
- Perform the following steps to update the access
control list for the Domino
- Open the names.nsf file in the Lotus Domino Administrator
or Lotus Notes client.
- Click from the main menu to
open the access control list for the file.
- In the panel, ensure that the wpsadmins
group has either Author or Editor access to all available roles.
- Add the following Role Types to the wpsadmins group:
- GroupCreator
- GroupModifier
- UserCreator
- UserModifier
- Click OK.
Parent topic: Preparing user registries on i5/OS