WebSphere Portal, Express Beta Version 6.1
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows


What is new - next generation Web user interface features

Learn about new portal features that pertain to the next generation type of Web user interface.

Compared to its beginnings Web technology has recently evolved towards a new direction. In the public this evolution has been named Web 2.0. This term does not describe a new type of technology, but has been used in a broad manner to describe a change to a more user centered focus. Among the benefits are improved customer and service orientation, increased user activities, easier communication and collaboration, better usability, faster performance, etc.

WebSphere Portal Express Version 6.1 offers several new technical features that can be related to this next generation type of Web user interface as they greatly enhance the portal user experience:

Within portal, the new features are implemented as follows:



These are terms that are used in the documentation for the new features:


Server Side Aggregation. This means aggregation based on JSPs that are executed on the Server. This is the "old" portal aggregation model; this still works as before.


Client Side Aggregation. This means aggregation based on JavaScript and XSLT transformations that are executed on the client. This is the new aggregation model that provides an improved user experience by faster response and performance.

Pure Server Side Portlet

This is a normal server side portlet that uses Java & JSPs; it usually uses no JavaScript. Portlets that are written to the client side model use no or few JSPs.

AJAX Portlet

This is a normal server side portlet that uses lots of JavaScript and AJAX technologies and less Java & JSPs.


Dynamic Portlet Rendering.


Representational State Transfer.



This is input which we need to place in the right context later:

Setup / Config / Admin

Parent topic: Developing portlets Parent topic: Designing a portal site Related concepts
The client side portlet programming model Controller SPI
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