WebSphere Portal, Express Beta Version 6.1
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows


Set supported markups

You can set supported markups on modifiable instances that implement the ModifiableMarkupCapable interface.

For example, these can be the following:

Note: For content nodes, that is content pages, content labels, and content URLs, you need to set a supported markup. Otherwise they will not show in the read-only model. To set the supported markups for a resource, proceed as follows:

  1. Obtain a modifiable instance of the resource for which you want to set supported markups.
  2. Use the appropriate methods of the ModifiableMarkupCapable interface to set supported markups. For example, if you want to set a markup, use the addMarkup method.
Example - Setting a supported markup on a layout control (error handling omitted):
// obtain markup list 
final MarkupList markupList = ...;

// obtain modifiable instance of a layout control
final Modifiable modifiable = lmController.getModifiableNode(control); 

// obtain markup object
Markup markup = markupList.getByName("html");

// set markup 
((ModifiableMarkupCapable) modifiable).addMarkup(markup);
For more detail about the markup list in the first line of the example and how to obtain it refer to Obtaining a model from the portal. Parent topic: Modifying properties Related information
Set titles and descriptions Set unique names Set metadata Set the orientation for layout containers Set portlet preferences Set flags Set themes Set URLs
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