WebSphere Portal, Express Beta Version 6.1
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows


Terminology for the Controller SPI

These are the special terms for the portal Controller SPI.


A modifiable instance of a portal model which allows to modify the topology of the model, create and delete resources, and create modifiable instances of existing resources.


An interface for modifying portal resources that exist in the read only model. Example: The Model SPI has an interface named Localized that represents titles and descriptions in different locales. The Controller has a matching interface named ModifiableLocalized, which you can use to modify the titles and descriptions.

Confirmable methods

Interface methods that exist on each modifiable interface of a portal resource. They allow you to determine whether a modification can be performed or not. For example, a modification might not be possible due to sizing constraints or access permissions.

Creation context

A context that defines immutable properties of a resource that you can create. Immutable properties cannot be changed by using a controller at a later stage. For example, the IdentifiableCreationContext is used to create a resource with an ObjectID that is immutable.


In the context of the Controller SPI the term node is used for elements in the topology of various models and model controllers. Examples:

Thus, the term is used in a wider sense than usually in the portal context where it refers to only nodes of the portal navigation hierarchy.
Parent topic: Controller SPI Related information
Packages of the Controller SPI Working with controllers Making modifications by using the Controller SPI Confirming modifications Hints and tips for using the Controller SPI
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