Planning for DB2 for z/OS
When planning to transfer data to DB2 for z/OS,
you should consider the databases and user information, such as database names,
what data is stored, and the database space needed. Some fix packs require
steps prior to the transfer task to complete successfully.
Before you begin:
- Ensure the database that you plan to use is supported by
this version of WebSphere Portal Express. Refer
to Supported hardware and software for the list of supported databases.
- If the current version of WebSphere Portal Express and
an earlier version coexist, the database user IDs for the current version
of WebSphere Portal Express must be different
than earlier versions to avoid conflicts during installation. If the two versions
coexist on different DB2 for z/OS subsystems,
using the same user ID will not cause conflict.
- The Feedback function is not configured
by default. It must first be turned on by following the steps in Enable logging,
otherwise the Feedback tables will not be created in the new database.
The database
names and users on this page are suggested values and provide consistency
throughout the documentation. Replace these values with values in your environment.
The database name cannot exceed eight characters and can only contain letters
and numbers.
- Change the following parameters in zparm on your zSeries system
to run the database transfer:
- EDMDBDC = 204800
- edmpool=409600
- edmstmtc=204800
- Review the different databases shown in the following table and
replace these values with the values in your environment; schema names must
be different when the database subsystem is shared. While
configuring WebSphere Portal Express to use one
database is technically possible, using separate databases can improve scalability
and performance.
Parent topic: Planning for databases
Related reference
Related information
DB2 Installation Guide