WebSphere Portal, Express Beta Version 6.1
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows


Redeploying the portal EAR file

After you have modified the portal EAR file for WS-Security token authentication and exported it from the assembly tool, you can now redeploy the file.

Redeploy the portal EAR file, wps.ear, according to your network configuration. If you have a cluster environment, redeploy the portal EAR file to the Network Deployment (ND) machine.

Note: Before you start this task, make sure that all of the following is true:

  1. The administrative server of the WebSphere Application Server has been started:

  2. You are logged in by using the WebSphere Application Server administrative user ID.

To redeploy the portal EAR file, proceed by the following steps:

  1. Delete the original file wps.ear file from the temporary directory where you initially exported it.
  2. Copy the modified wps.ear file into the temporary directory.
  3. Update the portal EAR file wps.ear by using the wsadmin command. If you have a cluster environment, update the EAR in the Deployment Manager to synchronize the update across each node in the cluster. Make sure that all commands are entered on one line. Invoke the command as follows:


    Note: Updates to the configuration of a portal cluster must occur on the Deployment Manager and be resynchronized with the other nodes in the cluster. If updates are made to individual nodes in the cluster, the updates will be lost when the master configuration on the Deployment Manager resynchronizes with the nodes again.
  4. Restart the portal. In a cluster configuration, restart the portal on each node.
When you have completed this task and all previous ones, you have configured security by using WS-Security token authentication for using WSRP in your portal. Parent topic: Securing WSRP by WS-Security for a Producer portal
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