WebSphere Portal, Express Beta Version 6.1
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux,Windows


Configuring the Search and Browse portlet for end users

This topic gives an overview of how you configure the Search and Browse portlet.

The Search and Browse portlet for end users is preinstalled, but not deployed in the default portal installation. If you want users to be able to perform advanced searches, you need to deploy and configure the portlet. Note: The Search and Browse portlet can perform search operations only on one search collection. This has the following consequences:

  1. If you want your users to be able to search different document collections, create a separate copy of the portlet for each search collection and configure it for that collection and its search service.
  2. You configure the Search and Browse portlet for search on a single search collection and its search service. Some configuration parameters are common between that search service and the copy of the Search and Browse portlet that you configure. When you configure this copy of the Search and Browse portlet, you need to set the same value for these parameters as you did when you configured the search service. For details about this refer to search services. This includes creating a new search service or editing an existing search service.">Managing search services and Search service configuration parameters.

  1. Before you deploy the Search and Browse portlet, build the search collection and the associated index.
  2. Deploy the portlet. The Search and Browse portlet WAR file and its location areportal_server_root/installableApps/SearchandBrowse.war . Refer Installing a portlet and adding it to a page for information about installing the portlet.
  3. After you have deployed the Search and Browse portlet, you configure it. To do this, use the Manage Portlets portlet. Proceed as follows:

    1. Optional: If required, document the parameter values that are shared between the search service and the Search and Browse portlet. The relevant search service is the one under which the search collection runs to which you point the Search and Browse portlet.
    2. Click Launch > Main Menu > Administration > Portlet Management > Portlets.
    3. Locate the Search and Browse portlet.
    4. Click the configure icon for the portlet.
    5. Edit or add parameters according to your requirements. Configure the portlet to target the location of the search collection to which it relates, and to match the search service of that search collection, especially the local or remote configuration of that search service. For a list of configuration parameters and possible values refer to Configuration parameters for the Search and Browse portlet.
    Users can later configure some of the portlet parameters in the portlet session by selecting the option Configure from the portlet context menu in the portlet header bar.

    For more detailed information about how to configure the Search and Browse portlet, refer to the following sections. For a list of the parameters and their possible values refer to Configuration parameters for the Search and Browse portlet.

    For more general information about how to configure portlets, refer to Configuring portlet application or portlet parameters and the Manage Portlets portlet help.

After you have deployed and configured the portlet, users can use the portlet to perform searches and browse the search collection.Note: If you migrated from a previous version of portal, the parameter for specifying the target search collection has been changed in the configuration for the Search and Browse portlet. The parameter IndexName has been replaced by CollectionLocation. If you migrate from previous portal versions and have the Search and Browse portlet deployed, transfer the value from the old to the new parameter manually. For details about this refer to Migrating the Search and Browse portlet from version 5.x to 6.x.

Parent topic: Administering Portal Search
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